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Put a spring in your step with Plusnet Broadband

Put a spring in your step with Plusnet Broadband

Put a spring in your step with Plusnet Broadband

Nike Fuel Band Want to get fitter this Spring but don’t know where to start? Do you find it too much hassle monitoring how much exercise you need to do or the amount of calories you’re eating? Planning to run the Plusnet Yorkshire Marathon? If the answer to any of the above is yes, keep reading, it's never been easier to keep fit using technology enabled by your Plusnet broadband...

Smartphone and tablet fitness apps

There’s a multitude of smartphone or tablet apps out there to help you get in shape or to keep your training on track One of our favourites is the Nike+ running app. Link this to your Facebook account and you’ll get additional motivation by hearing cheers for each like or comment on your post. Not a fan of being cheered along? How about the Nike+ FuelBand? It's a really good looking accessory that measures your movement. It has out-of-the-box instant accessibility along with some really nifty features such as real-time progress tracking and recognition for hitting milestones. There are many more apps out there, here’s a few to kick start you on that path to a fitter new you:

  • iMapMyRIDE - For all the cycling enthusiasts out there, this a great app to help you monitor your progress
  • Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker – Track what you eat, you can even scan the barcode on your food to keep count!
  • Nike Training Club – Have a personal trainer show you what to do. A full body workout in less than 30 minutes – what’s stopping you?!
  • British Military Fitness – “Sir, yes sir!” this little gem will put you through your paces with a British Military Fitness trainer bellowing at you to keep up...

Keeping fit and healthy at home

If you prefer to keep fit at home there’s plenty more out there to help you along the way: XBOX 360 add-on, Kinect, allows you to control the console and interact within games using your body. From calorie burning dance-offs with friends to full blown work-out routines, Kinect has it all within its great selection of games. There’s even a game that links to the Nike+ equipment we mentioned earlier. Just Dance! Got some good moves? Just Dance for the Nintendo Wii is a great way to get some exercise in and have fun along the way.

Use your browser to plan your fitness

If you don’t have a games console but still want to get in shape why not take a look at Weight Watchers Online? The site allows you to create a personalised plan to suit your goals and needs. Finally, for all those gym members out there, why not check if your gym allows you to check availability and book classes online? Most fitness centres let you log on to see what new classes are coming up too, so you can  make sure you don’t miss out on the newest fitness craze.  Zumba anyone? Before you start a new fitness regime or make changes to your diet, please ensure that you check with your GP or other medical professional. How do you stay fit? Have you any useful tips you’ve found along the way? Do you have any suggestions that we’ve not covered on how to use your Broadband to stay fit? Let us know by leaving a comment below ...

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