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To network or not to network

To network or not to network

To network or not to network

The never-ending debate about whether Facebook is good or evil grinds slowly on. Various news sites, including the Beeb, have swung the pendulum back towards social networking being 'a good thing' for businesses. Graham Jones gets it right again though - this isn't anything new!

"Let's get this right - social networking has been around since humans first started walking on the face of the planet."

As an interesting coincidence this comes out at the same time that LinkedIn and Huddle announce a link-up. At Plusnet we use LinkedIn for recruitment and business development. Pretty much all of our staff use Facebook on a daily basis too. We've also played around with Huddle before as it has some interesting similarities to our own Workplace system. Talking of Workplace, we've just been identified by Information Age, a US-based publication, as 'One of 10 outstanding Web 2.0 success stories'. Which is nice 🙂 Neil Armstrong Products Director, Plusnet

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What's all this "Web 2.0" thing about? Was the previous release of this product called "Web 1.0"...
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LOL What amazes me still is so many businesses still aren't even using Web 1.0. I've been doing work on my house recently and it staggers me how few small businesses have websites, email addresses, basic SEO/SEM or entries in the various online directories.
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From ‘One of 10 outstanding Web 2.0 success stories‘. - "The company uses a self-built collaboration platform, called *WorkSpace*" s/WorkSpace/Workplace They've made a typo in the name so it's probably worth giving them a shout to correct it.
In fact, Workplace is a web 1.0 success story and was there well before web 2.0 was even a sparkle in someone's eye. As for facebook, I've never really been a fan of it and have only logged on once this year so far. I think that probably says more about me than facebook, but it's just "not my bag" as an old student friend used to say. Linkedin has always been my preferred networking tool. It's lower key, less in your face and focusses on its main strength (professional networking) rather than trying to be everything to everyone.