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Plusnet Picked as Best Broadband for Students by WebUser

Plusnet Picked as Best Broadband for Students by WebUser

Plusnet Picked as Best Broadband for Students by WebUser

Plusnet Broadband voted best for students WebUser has voted Plusnet the best broadband deal for students. The popular fortnightly magazine noted that students would benefit from our short contract period and the free overnight usage on Plusnet's Broadband Your Way Option 2. That means that you'll be able to finish that last minute assignment without worrying about reaching your usage allowance at 4am. We were also recommended as offering some of the best deals for gamers, users on a budget and Mac users - for BBYW Pro, Essential Broadband and our technical support. Picking out some of the best broadband deals for different types of user, the article makes mention of our fantastic results at the uSwitch awards. The latest issue of WebUser magazine is on sale now. Issue 197, out Thursday 25 September 2008

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