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Days of Fibre - Behind the scenes

Days of Fibre - Behind the scenes

Days of Fibre - Behind the scenes

Movie clapper. Hopefully you’ve all seen our latest ad which features Joe, his dad and the rest of the gang screeching across your TV screens to promote our new superfast fibre broadband offerings. A very interesting and fun day was had by all at Rockingham race track during the filming so we thought we’d share some of the more interesting facts with you ...

The Old Lady

The Old Lady in a NASCAR. Remember the old lady who first appeared in our 'Call Centre Down the Road' ad back in 2010? Well now she’s a force to be reckoned with on the track and can be seen burning some rubber in her custom NASCAR in the new ad. What you might not realise though is that NASCARs don’t actually have doors, so her only way in and out was through the window, Dukes of Hazard style! I’m not sure she found it as easy as Daisy Duke but as you can see from the photo she was a great sport about it.

Changes to the story

An early storyboard. You might not be aware but a lot of changes can happen during the production of an advert. A few tweaks were made to Days of Fibre during its production. Here’s a few of the original storyboard drawings from when the ad was still in the planning stages, you might notice Joe ordering a pizza mid-race!

The 007 connection

Dodge Charger from the Plusnet ad. With Global James Bond Day having passed on October 5th, and with the release of “Skyfall” recently, we’re proud to tell you that the stunt team we worked with have also been used in a recent James Bond movie. If it wasn’t cool enough for them to have that on their CVs, they're also the very same stunt drivers from The Fast and the Furious.

The Russian arm

The 'Russian Arm' in action. The Russian what?! For those that don’t know a Russian arm is a remote-controlled vehicle mounted camera and takes a minimum of 3 highly skilled technicians to operate. The camera itself is suspended from a gyroscopically stabilised arm and is one of the most flexible and stable camera systems used in the film industry today. In fact if you’ve seen the vast scenes of alien invasion from War of the Worlds, Iron Man 2 or the fast paced fight scenes in Transformers you’ve definitely seen what this bad-boy can do.

Lights camera, camera, camera, camera, camera, ACTION!

Film crew on set. As this was easily our most ambitious film shoot to date we had to up the ante and involve the use of 5 of the world's most advanced cinematic cameras, each one required its own dedicated team of operators to bring you the high speed action. If you haven’t had a chance to see Days of Fibre yet, you can check it out below: Do have your own behind the scenes story? Have you brushed shoulders with a star or worked behind the camera perhaps? Leave a comment below and tell us your story ...

0 Thanks
Looks great. It's good to see behind the scenes. Although, I keep seeing the phrase "superfast fibre broadband" everywhere. The technology may be superfast, but it's all very much dependant on connection. It should be more like "superfast fibre broadband, maybe".
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Thank you for all your help when I lost my internet connection. I had help from Liam on Saturday and I think it was Ian on Monday who put my mind at rest. Also of course the technical team that finally sorted everything out on Monday. Thanks
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@chardinge, no worries - glad to hear you're back up and running Smiley
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Guys, where is the mini with the plusnet band???. Please could you include a photo of this for me. My wife was one of the three members of the Corby silver band in this car - she was positiviely green after going round the circuit over 80 times. You will see them about 26 seconds in for a split second on the video... You are not kidding about the changes to the story - both this and the "half off" where hacked to pieces in editing. Lloyd Preston - drummer from "Half off" Add