1. Click on the Start button onto Settings, then Network and Dial Up Connections and click Make New Connection |
2. This will open the Network Connection Wizard. Click Next... |
3. Place a button in the box marked Dial-up to Private Network Connect using my phone line a (modem or ISDN). Click Next... |
4. 'Type the phone number for the computer you want to call'. Enter the Internet connection number for your Plusnet account. You can find the number for your account on the 'Connection Guide' support page. Make sure that 'Use dialling rules' is unchecked and enter the appropriate number into the 'Phone number' box (shown below). Please make sure that you use the correct dial-in number after you have signed up. This will ensure that you receive maximum speed and appropriate call charges. |
5. Place a button in the box For all users. Click Next... |
6. Type Plusnet in the description box. Click Finish... |
7. Enter your username and password. You'll notice that the number that was entered in Step 4 now appears in the 'Dial' field (below). Click 'Dial' to connect to the Internet. |