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TINY CAD - Electronic Ciruit Design problem

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TINY CAD - Electronic Ciruit Design problem

I am using VEECAD with TINYCAD to get the layout of components on to a "stripboard" .

As you can see from the pic.




The circuit appears to be correctly aligned with all components connected.

However, using the  "Special" drop down menu, with "Check Design Rules"  and selecting "unconnected items"

it gives quite a lot of "errors" as shown by the red blobs !.


TINY CAD no connections.png



I have tried investigating these error blobs, and more accuately algining the connections, by magnifying the section but no matter how accurate I get, when I recheck the connection I have been working on, it still reports a non connection there.

Does anyone know how to solve this? is there an "auto-connect" switch somewhere, or is it just down to a lot of patience and disappointments before managing to correct the errors. ( I spent all day yesterday trying to solve it ) !.


I did use the "wire" and "junction" icons but this is not always successful,

I would have thought the "junction" blob would represent a "solder joint" and that would easily make a connection even if the lines were only one pixel apart !...but no joy with that.

I have watched several videos on youtube, but none seem to cover this problem.

Thank you for your time.


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Re: TINY CAD - Electronic Ciruit Design problem


I can't help with your question, but I'm interested in what you are constructing?

It is obviously an RF project of some kind, and I'm guessing that "Regen" is short for regenerative - so some sort of regenerative receiver maybe?

What frequency bands?



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Re: TINY CAD - Electronic Ciruit Design problem

Have you used these packages before?
If not, then I would try creating a very simple circuit such as a battery driven light bulb.
Fix any error messages on that, then add a switch...
That way may be quicker to find the solution, and you do not risk introducing errors into your project.

Do the objects have editable properties?
If so you may be able to define the interconnects there.



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Re: TINY CAD - Electronic Ciruit Design problem


have you considered a 'crystal radio set', less components 


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Re: TINY CAD - Electronic Ciruit Design problem

@Mr_Paul wrote:


I can't help with your question, but I'm interested in what you are constructing?

It is obviously an RF project of some kind, and I'm guessing that "Regen" is short for regenerative - so some sort of regenerative receiver maybe?

What frequency bands?




Yes, it is a Regenerative receiver.... Frequency range depending on the coil that you have to wind. The original home made coil with the circuit covers from about 3 to 8 m/cs  so I will have to incorporate a B9a valve holder, and adapt the coils for easy plug-in operations.


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Re: TINY CAD - Electronic Ciruit Design problem

@archerry  No, I have not used these progtrams before... 

 I see what you are getting at, but..i.e. less components, less errors.. however, I treat each error separately, so effectively it is just the same as if it were ( as you put it ) a simple circuit.

The components have a small white square at the end of each "leg"  which is, presumably, where the program is conditioned to accept or deny a connection to the next component.. ( some do not have this though ).

In the case of joining wired components.. the "freehand" wire connection has to terminate at the precise point of the termination of the component, ( or, in theory again..) make a connection with the white box .

I have used the screen magnification at maximum   ( CTRL +++++ _ and used a powerful magnifying lens, to ensure that they do indeed connect (on screen) but even afte several attmpts, it reports the same erroneous connection(s) .  ( only try to fix one at a time - not multiples) .

I want to use the TinyCad program to produce a .net file which can then be transferred / imported into the VeeCad program which then places the components in the correct positions on a STRIPBOARD layout.

I have done this process many times in the past, using a sheet of grid dotted paper and marking all the component ends with appropriate line numbers... then laying them out on the grid as per....

I thought that these programs would be more accurate, and save me some effort...


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Re: TINY CAD - Electronic Ciruit Design problem

@Dan_the_Van  Very amusing ! WinkCheesy


I treat each error as a "simple circuit"   so the number of components in the circuit is not the problem

With a crystal set, I do not need the facility... have made many over the years....

Many years ago, I cobbled together some odd components to make a mains PSU and for that to drive a Three Valve TRF regen receiver, but that was done as a "rats-nest" type of construction, with no pcb/stripboard involved.  Worked very well, had DENCO plug in coils to change the band, and covered from M.W. up to 30 mc/s

This project is similar, ( there is an amplifier module, not illustrated on the circuit diagram) which does not need to be built.