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SEO power!

SEO power!

SEO power!


Hello folks. My name is Wojtek and I work as Web Designer in our PlusNet Production Team. I'd like to tell you a bit about one of our main targets for the upcoming months – SEO, which is nothing else but Search Engine Optimization.

New technologies and strategies – you've seen Broadband Your Way coming, and you are also experiencing simplified sign up journey for all our main products. But that's not the end of the story; we're experimenting with SEO now. Good search engine positioning is essential now; our Referral Model has proven itself to be very efficient, but today if you don't exist in Google – you don't exist at all. Simple as that. Type “broadband” into – and where will you find PlusNet? Well, let's close our eyes and imagine that we're somewhere on the top... Because we're not. We want to change it and we will do it. There are some steps to achieve this.

First of all, our content needs to be optimized. And we're working on that; there is a special group of people here – we call them Content Writers or “The Portal Pirates” (don't ask why, as we don't really know either Wink The job of these folks is to sit and to write good, user-friendly and SEO optimized text. And they do their job pretty well, which you can see for yourself more and more with every single project delivery. Keywords, hypertext links connecting pages all together; pure, semantical structure and minor navigational tricks - this is a major improvement and it will be progressing even further. Our Support System, which is a core of our knowledge base looks even clearer and better with every day.

Secondly, our codebase is heading towards what I would call “half-way decent XHTML code”. XHTML and CSS are the technologies used for separating the visual layout from the content description level, and are replacements for old-fashioned table HTML. The major advantages of migration to these powerful hypertext solutions are better accessibility, faster rendering time for the webpages and – what is probably the most important – much better cross-browser availability. It is also affecting SEO a lot due to delivering simpler, semantically oriented data structure for the engines. Stuffing Google and friends with nested tables and image maps is not really what hardcore web coders and marketing gurus do Wink We're still far from the ideal, so forget W3C validation for example – but give us some time and somehow this monstrous codebase of our three portals will get optimized to deliver you much better user experience. Navigational structure is also being improved on the fly, so each move requires less clicks now, and our aim is to lower this number much further.

So, my dear friends, wait and you'll see PlusNet raising from the depths of unknowing Wink Our main target is clear: our name and products needs to be better known amongst the crowd. And they will. It's just a matter of time!

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