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Plusnet celebrates 1000th staff member and Yorkshire Day 2014!

Plusnet celebrates 1000th staff member and Yorkshire Day 2014!

Plusnet celebrates 1000th staff member and Yorkshire Day 2014!

Plusnet Here at Plusnet we’re proud of our Yorkshire roots, so it’ll be no surprise that we’re excited to join in on the Yorkshire Day fun. Not only that, but we’re also celebrating reaching 1000 current staff members. The staff at Plusnet have always been the key to our success, helping us to win awards over the years and to continue to do this we need to carry on expanding the Plusnet family. Over the last 12 months we've added 150 staff to the Plusnet family and we're still recruiting so we can continue to grow. Since 2011 we've doubled the workforce here at Plusnet, including the introduction of our new site over in Leeds. Plusnet celebrate 1000 staff We've continued to raise money for our charity of the year, the Jane Tomlinson appeal along with enjoying some of Yorkshires finest delicacies, Yorkshire Puddings and Henderson's Relish! Plusnet celebrate 1000 staff Are you from Yorkshire and if so, how are you going to celebrate Yorkshire Day?

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Wow, congrats, definitely a hell of a lot bigger than back in my day...60-70 of us in Internet House when I started
Wow that many staff,that might explain why my line rental saver charge will increase from 131.88 to 155.88 after the 23rd September 2014,do the maths that is some percentage increase! I hope the extra money isn't being used to prop up the very cheap broadband deals to customers in low cost areas. The major ISP's have only themselves to blame for offering rediculously cheap BB deals but now they have to claw some money back into the coffers by hammering line rental charges.
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A company that celebrates increasing its workforce?!! Not to say that this is pompous, it also doesn't make good business sense to double the size of any business's largest ongoing expenditure - its wages bill. A companys' wages bill cab bankrupt a business. It is a companys' largest liability. This is why staff cuts are the very first target when a companys' cashflow is not as healthy as it should be. It is the equivalent of a council tenant celebrating that his gas bill has doubled. The business plan "Think big - stay small" is sound business sense. Celebrating the doubling of your wages bill makes no sense at all. This is plusnet not just talking bollocks but I suspect, hiding something. Does plusnet operate from rented premises or does it own the land it operates from? Is BT asset-stripping plusnet? Plusnet celebrating taking-on its 1,000th employee is blatant mind-control. No business celebrates having a huge work-force. It is a financial liability. Somebody's playing mind-games here. As for the sexually suggestive pink balloons which obviously represent the female sex organ, I'm beginning to see plusnet as an experiment in mind-control. Celebrating all things "Yorkshire" while at the same time undermining Britains' sovereignty through plusnets' involvelent with Common Purpose, plusnet is I fear, a wolf in sheeps clothing. I am appalled to see plusnet applying Tavistock institute strategies like this. Plusnet is blatantly being used as a vehicle for subversion.
@Steve You're reading way too far in to this, we wanted to celebrate reaching the milestone of 1000 staff. Nothing more sinister than that, no mind control, no subversion.
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So why use oval-shaped zeros instead of circular ones and a simple "1" that isn't shaped like a penis? Clearly, subliminal satanic imagery has been used. Plusnet is not the little local businness it is claimed to be on your website when all share-stock was bought-up by the giant BT. Effectively, that was a hostile take-over by a corporate giant. There's more to that, that plusnet is not telling us. Therefore, plusnet taking-on its 1,000th employee is not an accomplishment. It is a tragedy. It marks the death of a small local company, and the presence of yet one more huge corporation. Plusnet has however, in-line with Common purpose subversion, dressed it up as being beneficial to Yorkshire people. Plusnet very recently announced its involvement with the despicable organisation Common purpose. It even was openly recruiting into Common purpose. When confronted, the article was removed from the plusnet website. Plusnets' involvement in local communities in Yorkshire is despicable when Plusnet has a presence in every local social event. Alarm-bells ring loudly. Yorkshire is effectively being taken-over by a huge conglomerate. By plusnets' own admission, plusnet has employed very many non-Yorkshire people yet makes them out to be "Yorkshire" through and through by simply living in Yorkshire for merely the last few years. Plusnet is the enemy within Yorkshires' hills and dales. Dressed-up as a saviour, it is the enemy-in-disguise. You know that - and I know that.
Steve, as previously mentioned you are reading way too far in to this. There are no conspiracies, subliminal message or similar attached to some balloons in the shapes of numbers. Sometimes things *are* as simple as they seem.
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Chris, Plusnet suffered a hostile takeover and you pull the wool over everyones' eyes by celebrating it. A corporate giant has muscled-in on Yorkshire. That is beyond dispute. All issued share stock was bought-up by just ONE company which then sacked the CEO and took-over. If that is not a hostile take-over, then all I can say is you are blind though it is no doubt more the case, that you perhaps are either too thick to realise it, or are part of it. Do you deny that Plusnet launched a recruitment drive on behalf of COMMON PURPOSE? Do you deny that Plusnets' debt manager is a graduate of Common purpose?
Our recruitment is based on the staff we need to support our customer base, we're still recruiting as we're not where we want to be based on the current support figures. I'm not sure why you're trying to look for conspiracies where there are none.
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No-one is LOOKING FOR conspiracies where there is one staring me in the face. Plusnet has a lot of people who know the truth. This is displayed on your forums and in your comment sections. Ask them!
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PS You failed to answer my questions.
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Steve, Take off the tin foil hat man, next you'll be telling us there are alien spaceships in Area 51! I am glad to hear that Plusnet is recruiting. There are currently no ongoing issues on the service status page, yet support ticket resolution time is well outside the target: Average closure time 2 days, 7 hours, 7 minutes and 25 seconds Target closure time 24 hours We must assume this is currently 'normal' operations, and there are simply too many enquiries for the current number of staff to handle. Ergo more staff are needed to handle the volume of enquiries being received day-to-day to provide an acceptable level of customer service. This can only be beneficial to customers as not only will we receive quicker responses, but staff will feel under less pressure to get issues closed and so the quality of support we receive will also improve. I have personal experience in this area and I can assure you it's so much easier to provide an excellent level of technical support when you're not worrying about the 100 other tickets waiting to be answered. I understand your apprehension about the BT takeover. But that was a while ago and things haven't collapsed, so I don't see evidence to abandon hope. Furthermore the experience and resources of a large company can be very beneficial for a smaller one; in terms of management, HR, training and organisation in particular.
Can we keep the comments civil and on-topic please. I've removed any that are off-topic and contain insulting remarks. Steve, as I've mentioned previously, our only interaction with Common Purpose was to provide some training. Nothing more than that.
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Aha! I wondered when blocking and censorship would start. You should be addressing your comment to Chickendipper - not me. I stayed on topic whereas chickendipper didn't and I wasn't anymore abusive than he was. You don't want anyone mentioning plusnets' affiliation to Common Purpose do you? So you censor comments to stop the truth being told.
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You then block my comments outright. So, do you deny that plusnet is allied to the despicable organisation Common Purpose? Why did you suddenly remove plusnet's recruitment drive into this nazi organisation?
Steve, your comments are well off the mark. As mentioned, we're recruiting staff for Plusnet as we need to grow our employee base to be able to serve the customers. I'm not sure how else I can say this but... As I've mentioned previously, our only interaction with Common Purpose was to provide some training. Nothing more than that.
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Chris, It's all well and good you giving a reply that absolves you of all claims of doing all you can to hide truth, knowing full-well that I cannot reply because you have blocked me. If you are not hiding truth, then why do I have to take specific measures to get rounbd the block you've put on my comments? Nothing I said was abusive nor what it "off the mark". It was truth. You don't like truth. You made a comment knowing that my failure to respond (as you had blocked my comments) would make me look bad. THAT is Common Purpose strategies at work - using the media in a manipulative way. Why did you block me? Is blocking people one of plusnets' policies? Plusnets' articles in this community section are manipulative and contain an underlying agenda. You STILL are carefully avoiding answering my questions. Common purpose doesn't teach leadership skills - it teaches subversion techniques. How can any of plusnets' customers continue to subscribe to a company that openly has stated its affiliations to such a despicable orgainsation - an institution which teaches criminal techniques, in the full knowledge that by subscribing to such a company, they are committing treason?
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I have been with Plusnet for years and this is the first time I ventured in to this section. I cannot believe the paranoia kicked off by something as simple as the company employing more staff. In this day and age I for one think more work for people who want it should be celebrated. Had Plusnet not been taken over what could the consequences have been? We get a good service at a reasonable price. Has anyone ever tried calling BTs internet support line. Come on people chill out, we have a good service. It could be a fair few years before I venture here again, the nets full of conspiracy theories, I don't need any more paranoid rants. The next thing you know someone will say that Yorkshire call centre is actually in Delhi.