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Happy Hallowe'en

Happy Hallowe'en

Happy Hallowe'en

Uncle FesterBob?Woooo. Wooooooooooooooooooooo. Were you scared? I was. Yes, it's the last day of October which means that we all have to celebrate the existence of witches, ghosts, bogeymen, animated skeletons, zombies, ghouls, banshees, giant spiders, pirates and ninjas.  This being Plusnet of course we're celebrating here - we have dressing up going on all over the business (Count Dracula is answering calls right next to me though I'd always imagined him having more of a Transylvanian accent than a broad Yorkshire one), there's quizzes and games and prizes all over the shop. I have no doubt that apple bobbing will be perpetrated at some point today too. But what proof of this jollity, I hear you cry? Well, check the photos below this very blog. We hope you're having as much sinister fun and frivolity as we are here - we have a thread going in the chit-chat forums and would welcome your spooky snapshots. Can you beat these? Dracula and victim  See how much it looks like Vlad there has just finished gnawing the meat from the bones of, er, boney on the right...     Halloween pumpkin Shiny pumpkin!     These people are answering your support queries :)                       If only they didn't dress like this every day...     half zombie half watermelon                       What an outfit. When you see him in profile it honestly does look like his head is a watermelon. Winner!     Cousin It                       Cousin It made a brief appearance, showing off his new 'do     Knifey knifey                         Obviously went up against Croc Dundee. And lost.     I hate clowns. Hate them.                    Oh aye. This is Comms Boss. I'm so, so glad he doesn't dress like this every day. I hate clowns. I mean, the normal ones that pour water down each others' trousers and knock each other into buckets of whitewash with ladders. Hate them. This kind? I'm tempted to stab myself to save him the bother, it'd probably be less painful. TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!              

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