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Google's Lively - a step into virtual worlds

Google's Lively - a step into virtual worlds

Google's Lively - a step into virtual worlds

Unlike Linden Labs' Second Life here's no 'virtual economy' here and the amount of customisation available is still fairly minimal (no user-generated objects can as yet be uploaded), but you can still have a lot of fun with Google's new virtual 'Lively' worlds. It's free to download and install*, and pretty easy to get started with. You can embed your room into a webpage (see below) and even play YouTube videos on plasma TVs and movie screens (although that does get a bit tiresome after the second play-through). So, created in 45 minutes whilst sat in the sunshine in the real world, here's a virtual PlusNet Towers.. Come and say 'Hi' why don't you? P-j * Windows only I'm afraid. And you'll need to register a Google login if you've not already got one to get started.

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