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A Twitter SMS alternative

A Twitter SMS alternative

A Twitter SMS alternative

Up until 14th August 2008, Twitter provided a free SMS alerts service for its users in the UK. From inside Twitter, you could register your mobile phone, and decide which of your friends you wanted to follow via SMS. The cost of providing this service for free was one that Twitter couldn’t continue to carry, and the service was withdrawn as a result. Gradwell, who currently provide the Plusnet VoIP solution, have proved their worth once again as an innovation super-power by harnessing existing technologies to fill the void left by Twitter. Gradwell are very pleased to announce the launch of Twittex - a simple prepay service that delivers Twitter updates from your friends to your mobile phone via SMS. twittex is currently available on all UK networks. SMS messages are charged at 5p each, excluding VAT. Stuart Herbert (Gradwell Technical Manager) said: "In the testing we’ve done of our competitors, one of the main ways we are different is in how timely our service delivers updates. The more active your Twitter friends are, the more actively we check your account, and we aim to check your account at least every five minutes. We’ve also given our customers the ability to set an optional daily limit on the amount of SMS messages we deliver. This way, our customers can manage their costs and avoid nasty surprises!" Gradwell use to deliver their SMS messages worldwide, a service which they think is set to expand on the back of their Twittex success. Word on the street says Gradwell also plan to deploy Twittex through a Facebook app and PhoneWall. Next on the agenda is the ability to decide which times of day you want to receive text messages. To get started, create an account at, add your mobile phone number and your twitter accounts, and some credit (£1, £5, £10 or £20), and you’re all set. Sign up today and you can get your first 20 messages for free! Want to know what else Gradwell are up to? Click here

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Is this an advertising feature? There are plenty of other Twitter SMS alternatives out there, too...
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Yup loads of alternatives, including one I have helped develop - They are all different. It will be interesting to see how/if this market develops, especially as there was such a scramble to get going! I doubt there has been another net based market that opened up so quickly!
Glad I'm not the only one who thought this was nothing more than an advertisement...
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Even though there seem to be lots of options out there for this. I couldn't resist putting a Twitter SMS service together myself. My offering will start in the UK from 1st February and you will be able to add more than one twitter account and receive and send in text messages to and from each account seperately, from the SAME PHONE! Can't wait to see how it develops, can you?
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Hi, I thought you might be interested to know that myself (@PaulKinlan) and (@prawlings) have launched a twitter service called Twe2 ( that gives Twitter users their DM's, @replies and custom searches via SMS for free (to nearly every country in the world). The free part is that the messages are advertising subsidised. Regards, Paul