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Hub One as a modem only

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Hub One as a modem only

Just upgrading to FTTC from ADSL and due to receive a Hub One. Currently I'm very happy with my TP-Link router ,particularly the wireless coverage, and it has  dual WAN/LAN port,so is it possible to use the Hub One as a modem only if the wireless coverage is not as good?

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Re: Hub One as a modem only

I'm afraid not.

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Re: Hub One as a modem only


You can change the Tp-link into a Wireless Access Point and turn off the Hub One Wireless. Simply set the TP link IP address to an unused one in the range and turn it’s DHCP Off. Connect the two together using LAN sockets at each device.

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Re: Hub One as a modem only

@Baldrick1 - thanks for that ;I'll try it if the Hub One doesn't work as well wirelessly as the current.

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Re: Hub One as a modem only



I have a Hub One and a TP-Link connected using LAN ports. I have configured the Hub One to what could be described as Gateway mode.

On the Hub One I have disabled Wireless and DHCP leaving the IP Address of the Hub One set to

Before connecting the Hub One and TP-Link make sure the following is set.

On the TP-Link router I have set the IP Address to be

In the DHCP settings check the DHCP pool settings the IP Address range must be for network In my setup I have left as the default to 192.168.1 199

IMPORTANT set the default gateway address to be

One my TP-Link router I am also able to add my preferred DNS hosts, within the DHCP settings.

Once the above is true you can connect the two together.

If you have any port forwarding rules set on the Hub One you need to use the IP Address not the hostname of the device you forwarding to.

Hope this helps


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Re: Hub One as a modem only

Thank you very much for the advice. If I have issues with wifi with the Hub One ,I'll definitely give it a go.

As a matter of interest , have you daisy chained the two devices to overcome the dual band problem with the Hub One discussed elsewhere?

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Re: Hub One as a modem only

Hi @davidj66 

Both the Hub One and TP-Link devices share the same shelf and they are connected together with a 30cm UTP cable and the connection speed show as 1Gb/s on the Hub One. The TP-Link router supports One Mesh so I have one RE300.

With the TP-Link devices I have not split 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz and they remain synced, I am not getting any issues with 2.4 GHz only devices not connecting.

Hope this helps




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Registered: ‎16-05-2019

Re: Hub One as a modem only

I am hoping someone can help me. I have tried to configure my home setup in the same way as Dan_the_Van has described here, however I cannot get my TP-Link Archer VR2800 to receive internet from my Plusnet Hub One.

My current setup is as follows (FROM: Hub One LAN port 1 TO: TP-Link LAN port 4/WAN):
As can be seen here, my Hub One router is set to IP Address, and DCHP is disabled on the device:





As can be seen here, I have set my TP-Link router to be on the Operation Mode "Wireless Router Mode":



As can be seen here, I have set my TP-Link IP Address, and DCHP is enabled and configured in range to Furthermore the default gateway is set to be (the Hub One router's IP):

As can be seen here, I have set the Internet connection details to be PPPoE and entered my Plusnet account credentials for login:

There are also some advanced settings on the Internet Connections setup page, however I have not altered these:

As can be here from ipconfig details, when I connect to the TP-Link router either over an ethernet or Wi-Fi connection, it is correctly assigning IP addresses, and the correct gateway IP of is being set:


However, after multiple attempts at restarts of both devices, the TP-Link router refuses to see the internet connection, as can be seen here, where the default gateway and possibly some of the other internet settings are not being set for the WAN connection:


It seems to me like I have followed the instructions Dan_the_Van provided in their post from 30-05-2021, however the one part I am not sure of is the Internet connection details on the TP-Link. The Hub One router is successfully connected to the internet in the above setup, however I am not sure that I should be providing the PPPoE details on TP-Link router, as the Hub One is already using these details to access the Plusnet broadband connection. I have also tried using 'Dynamic IP' in place of PPPoE for the internet connection details on the TP-Link router, however this does not connect either. 😞

If anyone has any ideas for why this is working, I would be really grateful for the information.🙂👍

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Re: Hub One as a modem only

@sagesolar in your configuration, the tplink will not have an internet connection via its,WAN. Having said that, it doesn't need one! Any device connecting to the tplink using DHCP is being told that the hub one ( is the default gateway ( route to the internet). So any internet traffic will be sent to the hub one which does have an internet connection

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Re: Hub One as a modem only

Hi @sagesolar 

I am using 'Bridge Mode'






This removes the need for the internet login details. The connection from TP-Link uses LAN4 to any HubOne port. The TP-Link has a static IP address.

Hope this helps


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Registered: ‎16-05-2019

Re: Hub One as a modem only

@Dan_the_Van Thank you 🙏, I just factory reset my TP-Link and then configured it as your/my original posts, and then set the internet connection type to be 'Bridge', and you suggested it is now working!

It would appear the key thing is to first ensure that:

  • DHCP on the Hub One ruter is disabled, and
  • DHCP on the 3rd party router (TP-Link in my case) is enabled and configured similar to your original description, and
  • The 3rd party router is pointing at the Hub One IP address as the gateway

prior to setting the 3rd party router to 'Bridge' mode, otherwise as I found out from my prior attempts, the 3rd party router will be unreachable.

Hopefully this is a help to others wanting to configure their home network setup in a similar way.

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Re: Hub One as a modem only


Pleased it now sorted.

Advantaged for this configuration is removes the need to buy a modem and removes double NAT as the TP-Link is on the same network as the Hub One.


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Re: Hub One as a modem only


This is what confuses me regarding this set up not double NATing..

Devices  connected to the Tp-Link have to translate the Tp-Link issued address to that of the Hub One, that is to, on the local network I agree, but doesn't that count as a translation? The Hub One then has to translate from to the WAN address.

Many many years ago a teacher's mantra was "never be ashamed to appear ignorant, be ashamed to remain ignorant". Please educate me.


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Re: Hub One as a modem only

Devices  connected to the Tp-Link have to translate the Tp-Link issued address to that of the Hub One, that is to, on the local network I agree, but doesn't that count as a translation?

There's no translation involved, they're all on the same local subnet. In fact the tplink isnt involved in the routing at all. All it does is tell any DHCP clients to send non local traffic to as the default gateway. Apart from being the DHCP server , the tplink is basically a switch and wireless AP

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Re: Hub One as a modem only

I only claimed the Hub One is acting as a gateway, nothing else.

The TP-Link is also providing a meshed network and a 'Guest WiFi' so everything it's paid to do excluding acting as a modem. I can even monitor it with SNMP.

The only restriction I have found to date is you can not check for firmware updates via the GUI you have to check on TP-Link support site and the VPN server doesn't work, but that's easy to get around.
