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Prepaid Mastercard

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Registered: ‎02-05-2019

Re: Prepaid Mastercard

You are kidding me right!?
Read this thread. Several of your colleagues have told me that the card was sent out 1st class delivery at least 5 days ago and that if had not arrived by Saturday at the latest it would be escalated and chased up! are telling me to wait until the 30 days are up. This was not what I was told just a day or two ago!
Escalate this to your manager.
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Prepaid Mastercard

I appreciate that's not what you've been told previously and as such I have offered apologies for the incorrect expectations that were set previously.


While I have made my manager aware of this, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to change the process that you would need to follow should the card not have arrived within 30 days of you completing the redemption form. This would need to be chased up with purecard via the telephone number/email advised in my previous response and the FAQ I've linked to on my previous response.

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 Harry Beesley
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Re: Prepaid Mastercard

So your colleagues were talking pure fiction then?
Was the card even sent out or was that a lie too?
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Re: Prepaid Mastercard

I have still no reply to my question. Was the information I received from tour colleagues in this thread regarding the rewards card postage status untrue?
The information they told me about contacting PN on Saturday should the card not arrive so that they could chase it for me me was false.
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Re: Prepaid Mastercard

Hello @Whywee,


I am sincerely sorry for the conflicting information you have been given and can assure you that what my colleague @HarryB has advised is correct. I really cannot say where the information from my previous colleague has been taken from and it is something we have passed on to look into further.


I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience this has caused but is is up to 30 days after redeeming the reward for you to receive this.



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 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Prepaid Mastercard

The term you're looking for which describes your colleagues actions is ' to palm off'. Which means to dispose of usually by trickery or guile.

Have you read your customer service reviews? They are epically bad, and this is why.
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Registered: ‎02-05-2019

Re: Prepaid Mastercard

Please answer this:

Here is a response from your colleague on this thread...

'I unfortunately can't give the exact date.This is as our system just shows it as fulfilled, rather than giving an actual dispatch date.

I've been informed that they're sent out via First Class post.

It's very unlikely that we'd have, or be able to get, an update on the specific date that it should arrive. As aforementioned, please drop us a post if you haven't received it by Saturday and we'll then be able to chase it further for you.'

Is this response from Plusnet entirely made up?
Was the reward card ever sent out first class?
Who is accountantable for the Plusnet staff telling lies to their customers?

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Re: Prepaid Mastercard

I will ask you again.


Was the information given by your staff members, OskarPapa and Satss, true or false regarding the dispatch of the rewards card?

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Re: Prepaid Mastercard


Just so you know, I received my Plusnet Reward Card on Sat 08 June - less than 48 hours after the email saying it would be despatched within 7-10 days.

I cannot speculate why you have not received your card but, if I was in your position, I would not be happy with Plusnet.  They claim the card was definitely sent to you. If so, why didn't you get an email telling you it was being sent, as I did?

I had begun to wonder if the Reward Card was a real thing.  It is - I am looking at it now. 

Good luck, I hope you get your card sooner rather than later.

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Re: Prepaid Mastercard

I cannot get a straight answer from Plusnet. One person says one then another says something else!
I dont believe the card was sent out at all because I have not received an email stating so, yet Plusnet will tell me otherwise. It is clear that their staff members are fobbing off customers with answers they believe the customers want to hear.
I had the a similar situation with the router dispatch. They told me it was dispatched yet days later I was informed it wasnt.
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Registered: ‎02-05-2019

Re: Prepaid Mastercard

Dear Plusnet,


I have just spoken to Purecard and they state that my name and address for the rewards card is not on their system because you (Plusnet) have not even sent over a request for them to issue me with a rewards card!


So what I was told my two Plusnet staff members in this thread last week that my card was dispatched by first class post was cleary untrue - it cannot be a mistake as this information would not even show up on your system!


Please respond to this ASAP and explain why your staff members have seemingly been decieving me.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Prepaid Mastercard

Hi @Whywee 


I have just spoken to Purecard and they state that my name and address for the rewards card is not on their system because you (Plusnet) have not even sent over a request for them to issue me with a rewards card!

Thanks a lot for this info, it's certainly strange as we have previously been made aware that things have been done correctly to ensure you get this card. To make certain that nothing has been missed somewhere along the line, I've made the relevant department aware of this and asked them for proof of dispatch and any other relevant information which would assist in sorting this out. 



So what I was told my two Plusnet staff members in this thread last week that my card was dispatched by first class post was cleary untrue - it cannot be a mistake as this information would not even show up on your system!

What has been said previously has come from information provided to agents looking into this for you - if there have been errors or incorrect details passed across then this will be entirely accidental, and will have had no malicious or deceiving intent attached to it. 


As soon as I get a reply to my email regarding proof of dispatch this thread will be updated accordingly. 


Please accept my apologies, and thank you for the patience and understanding you have shown whilst we have been working on this issue.


Kind Regards, 



Rising Star
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Registered: ‎02-05-2019

Re: Prepaid Mastercard

Is you had spoken to purecard you would be aware that plusnet have not instructed them to issue me with a rewards card!
So why are you seeking proof of postage when the rewards card has not even been processed?!
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Prepaid Mastercard

Thanks for getting back to me, @Whywee 


Whilst I appreciate what you are saying, we need to get the information from our internal team. 


I've not yet has a reply, but as soon as I do I'll update this thread accordingly. 


Kind Regards, 


Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Prepaid Mastercard

HI @Whywee 


I've just had this reply from the team looking into your issue; 


"The customers details are in the system as I can see them in the grassroots portal. The customer claimed their redemption email on 23/05/2019, the customer will receive their reward within 30 days of this date." 

I'm unsure as to why Purecard are telling you there has been no info passed along, as you can wee, we are under the impression that things are moving along correctly and believe you should receive your card by 22/06/2019 


Kind Regards,