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My Circular - List Manager

My Circular - List Manager

My Circular - List Manager

The core of My Circular is creating and administrating your mailing lists.
There are three options in the List Manager: Create New List, History and Undelete.
Creating a mailing list

  1. Click on 'Create New List'
  2. Enter the name of the new mailing list (max 50 characters)
  3. Enter your own administration address for the mailing list - recipients of your emails will reply to this address.
  4. Click on 'Add' to create your new mailing list.
  5. The screen will refresh and return you to the List Manager where you will be able to see your new list.

List Manager features
The date of creation is recorded next to each mailing list name.
 There are two columns next to this; the first noting the number of subscribers you have for each list, and the second recording the total number of emails sent out.
Changing mailing lists
If you wish to change either the name of a mailing list or its return email address, click on the 'Change' button in the configure column of the List Manager screen.
Edit either the name or the email address as required before clicking 'Update' to commit the changes. The list name will now change in the main manager window.
Editing members in the List Manager - adding and removing contacts
There are 2 ways of adding people to your mailing list. You can have people add themselves on your website (see the Script Accesssupport page) or you can add contact addresses yourself.
In the contacts column of the main List Manager screen, click the corresponding 'Add/Remove' button for the list you wish to add subscribers to. A new screen entitled 'editing members' will open.
Adding and removing members from a list
This screen is split into two distinct halves:
Top half: the 'current list members' of your mailing list (blank initially).
Bottom half: your mailing list 'pool' of non-list members (this will be blank if you have not subscribed any list members).
You may add addresses to your unsubscribed 'pool' area yourself, using the 'Contact Manager' (see Contact Manager support page).
To assign someone from your My Circular pool to your selected mailing list, simply click on the relevant 'Add' button. Notice the contact has now moved into the top half of the window; into the 'current list members' area.
There are no limits on how many mailing lists a single user may be subscribed to.
When you create a new mailing list, contacts become available within the My Circular 'pool'.
If people subscribe through your website (see Script Access support page), their address details will appear in the 'current list members' area for that particular mailing list.
To remove someone from a list, click on the 'Remove' button. They will return to the unassigned pool of My Circular addresses.
Once you have finished administrating your mailing list, you may return to the List Manager by clicking on the tab at the top of the main menu.
Deleting and undeleting lists
If you have set up a mailing list, but no longer wish to use it, you may remove it by selecting the 'Delete' option.
It will immediately disappear from the main List Manager screen when you do this.
You may at any time restore your mailing lists using the 'Undelete' feature.
If you wish to restore a deleted mailing list click the 'Undelete' button in the List Manager.
The 'Deleted Lists' administration screen will open, from where you can restore (rebuild) your lists.
If you wish to restore a particular list then you should click on the 'Rebuild' trashcan icon. A confirmation message will inform you that your list has been recycled.
Return to the List Manager by clicking on the List manager tab at the top of the main My Circular screen. Upon returning the list name will have changed to incorporate the prefix 'recycled_'.
To restore the mailing list's original name simply use the 'Change' button.
The 'History' button opens a new information screen, entitled 'List Reporter'.
A complete history of your mailing lists is displayed, allowing you to see exactly what email has been sent to each member.
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