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Getting started with NetAnnounce

Getting started with NetAnnounce

Getting started with NetAnnounce

New to Net Announce? Then follow this beginner's guide to setting up your first mailing list.

Setting up your first mailing list

When you first log into the application you will be informed that no mailing lists have been created.
You will also notice the main menu of available options running across the top of the screen: List Manager, Contact Manager, Compose Mail and Script Access.

The List Manager

This is where you get to create and administer each of your mailing lists.
There are 3 options in the List Manager: Create New List, History and Undelete.
Manage the subscribers for each list, track what email has been sent out and switch lists on and off.

Contact Manager

The central point of NetAnnounce where you can add and remove individuals to and from the system.

Compose mail

A simple text entry field with several powerful options.

Script Access

Enable your subscribers to add themselves to NetAnnounce from your website.

Creating a mailing list

To create a mailing list:

  1. Click on Create New List.
  2. Give your new mailing list an appropriate name. You can type in any name (maximum of 50 characters).
  3. Enter your own administration address for the mailing list. Note; recipients will reply using this address.
  4. Click on Add to create your new mailing list.
  5. The screen will refresh and take you back to the List Manager where you will be able to see your new list.
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