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Broadband Faults Guide - I have a fault

Broadband Faults Guide - I have a fault

Broadband Faults Guide - I have a fault


Customer Own Domain Checks

We ask all of our ADSL customers to complete a couple of checks to rule out their broadband equipment or internal wiring that might be the cause for the fault. It is best to carry out the checks in the below order:
1) Swap your microfilter for an alternative. If you have received a router from us, you should have received two microfilters, swapping these over will rule out a potential fault with this piece of equipment.
2) Connect your router into your Test Socket with the alternative microfilter. This will rule out any internal wiring. Our suppliers network is up to your Test Socket, so it is important to ensure your internal wiring is not at fault. If we were to arrange for an engineer to visit and the fault was found to be caused by your equipment or internal wiring, charges may apply for the call out – so it’s worth just carrying out those two quick checks so we’re sure the problem isn’t internal.
Note: If you do not have a Test Socket, please ensure you remove any extension cabling and that you are connected directly into your Master Socket.
If you are reporting a Speed Fault, we will require you to complete the BT Speedtester which can be found at it’s imperative that you complete ‘Further Diagnostics’ as per below, so that we receive your results.
 If you have an alternative router that you can also try – that would be a real bonus. We do appreciate that not everyone has a spare router to try but if you do, then please do give it a go!
If you are unable to authenticate with your details, it’s important you log into your router and configure your router with your correct details which should be, if you are unable to connect, please try: bt_test@startup_domain – if this connects then please try If they both connect, you should be able to connect with your details, so please check your spelling and that your password is correct!
If you are unable to connect with either of those usernames, please raise a fault or give out Support Team a call on 0800 432 0200 or 0345 140 0200 (0345 uses minutes from your mobile call plan).

How do I report a fault and what will Plusnet do to resolve it?

In the first instance, it is really important that complete the above checks. Once complete, it would be best completing the Broadband Fault Checker. Our Faults Team will then take a look at the condition of your line from when you reported the fault to us. We can see information such as:


  • Your connection rate between your router and your Local Exchange
  • What exchange equipment you are connected to
  • The quality of your connection (historic information is available)

Our Faults Team has access to various other tools which can help us identify, where we believe the fault is or what is causing the fault. We aim to respond/update our Fault Tickets within 48-72 working hours. It’s really important that you provide as much detail as possible when completing the Broadband Fault Checker so that our Faults Team gets all the information they need.
You will notice that we provide all of our testing on the Fault Ticket for you to see along with engineer notes and a summary of what has been done as well as a short summary of what the next steps will be, if required.

Engineer Visits

From time to time, engineer visits are required to resolve faults that may be outside of your premises. Most engineer work does require access to your premises as engineers are required to test at your telephone socket before conducting any work and again when completing work. This is to check for the location of the fault and for any other faults that may exist with the service that we may have not detected. Once the necessary work is carried out, the engineer should then test at the telephone socket again to ensure that the line is clear and clear of any faults.
 Engineers operate two timeslots, typically between Monday-Friday which are 8am-1pm or 1pm-6pm – we are unable to specify the exact time that an engineer will attend within those slots due to the nature of the work that the engineer might be carrying out for another customer before attending. If an engineer does not turn up within the agreed timeslot, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can investigate this for you, as well as getting the appointment re-scheduled for you.