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Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

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Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

This morning I've got an email saying that the router is on its way, + I can see an improvement on the upload speed that is now 14. The download instead is still around 44.

So the switch has now happened. Smiley

There should be room for improvement because last year I had a faster speed with the same line. Let's see how it settles down in the next hours.

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Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

Hub One received.

Posts: 63
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Registered: ‎19-02-2017

Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

Hub One connected. Initially i think the speed was a bit lower than the Openreach modem + Technicolor, but in any case now has reached the same peak.

At the moment I'm at 49/15 even via wifi.
I've split the fq in 2 SSIDs (for 2.4 and for 5GHz) and this is how it goes in the in the farthest room with a Samsung tablet

Not bad! Smiley

Community Gaffer
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Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

Looking good Thumbs_Up

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

Huston we have a problem. Despite the PS email received few minutes ago talking about improvements, the only "improvement" I see is for PS, not for me. For me there is only 1 pound more in the bill. In fact it's happening that my speed is constantly decreasing. some years ago I had the 38/9.5 that was really running at such speed. Then PS set every customer of the 38/9 to 52/10 and again I really was running at 52.

Now with the Unlimited Fibre Extra:
august 2017: 49/15
september 2017 46/14
april 2018 I have 45/12
now I'm still around 44/12 (connection speed on the router Downstream: 49.94 Mbps Upstream: 13.8 Mbps)

What's going on? 

Moreover now PS ask 1 pound more despite the speed is decreasing month after month. Now that the old offer 38/9.5 is back I'm thinking to scale down because 44/12 vs 38/9.5, it's almost the same for considerable less money. I mean 55/16 was worth the extra money but now that you've reduced the speed so much, Unlimited Fibre Extra = Unlimited Fibre with the only difference in the price.

Regards, Riccardo

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Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

Hi Riccardo.

Our tests are showing your router in sync at 49.9/13.8mbps.

As your downstream speed is below your estimates I'd recommend running through the troubleshooting here and then raise a fault to us at if things don't improve.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Registered: ‎19-02-2017

Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

This post was on reply to Gandalf but has been deleted Shocked So I repost it here as a new thread.


Hi Gandalf, thanks again for your reply.

I've put some data together to raise a fault with some data at hand. (Despite more that a fault seems a reduction by design).


I've turned off everything in the house, connected to the master socket, PC with Linux connected via LAN cable directly to the router (and no any other cables), tested with different speedometers online and at different times. My top speed is 47/13 but generally is more like 44/12.

Looking at both the hub one wan log and my previous tests with speedtest, I can clearly see that, with the same SNR I had a faster fibre months ago than now.

E.g on speedtester

Even via wifi and without using the master socket I had a faster fibre than now.


It's the esternal line + some (imposed?) limitation due to much overselling?

From the Hub One Wan logs:

13:47:07, 13 Aug. ( 84.850000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=52257Kbps, Up Rate=15337Kbps; SNR Margin Down=6.0dB, Up=6.0dB
14:33:05, 13 Aug. ( 84.660000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=52181Kbps, Up Rate=15460Kbps; SNR Margin Down=6.0dB, Up=6.0dB
01:40:20, 15 Aug.

( 89.100000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=51521Kbps, Up Rate=15418Kbps; SNR Margin Down=6.1dB, Up=6.1dB

Let's skip some rows... Septemper still ok

12:42:22, 03 Sep. (1681387.310000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=51835Kbps, Up Rate=15266Kbps; SNR Margin Down=6.0dB, Up=6.1dB
01:11:24, 29 Sep. (3886295.140000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=51835Kbps, Up Rate=15266Kbps; SNR Margin Down=4.9dB, Up=6.0dB

The decline....

16:03:40, 03 Mar. ( 120.720000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=49943Kbps, Up Rate=13795Kbps; SNR Margin Down=5.7dB, Up=5.9dB
16:33:39, 06 Apr. (2939468.510000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=49943Kbps, Up Rate=13795Kbps; SNR Margin Down=5.6dB, Up=6.0dB
21:51:40, 15 May. (6328088.330000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=49040Kbps, Up Rate=14993Kbps; SNR Margin Down=6.1dB, Up=6.1dB
22:16:01, 15 May. ( 87.100000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=49667Kbps, Up Rate=14989Kbps; SNR Margin Down=6.0dB, Up=6.1dB


Basically from 52.2/15.3 at 6dB I'm now at 49.6/14.9 at 6dB. But that's only the connection speed and here come the possible clue: while before at 52 of connection speed corresponded a 50/51 of real speed, now at 49.6 corresponds a 45 of real speed (and that not because of viruses, etc., it is tested with Linux from the master socket alone, via Lan).

So there is surely a problem somewhere on the road that has eaten 3mbit, but more than that, there is also something bound to some limitation of traffic. Maybe BT has given Plusnet a second role with less band/traffic available to share? That whould explain why, despite a bit of loss of quality on the line there is no comparable small loss of real speed.

Online I used to have this everyday

and now this is one of the top I have at times

with any speedometers of the world. Despite the router connects more or less almost at the same speed.

What would happen if I scale down to a 38/9? Theoretically I should really have 38/9 because this line prove to reach at least 44/12... but I suppose that if I scale down I would get less than 38/9 for the same reason I now should have at least 49/14 but I get 45/12 because the problem is probably not the line but too much oversell resulting in too much sharing of a limited capacity of the Plusnet network?

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Post released from Spam Filter.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

As your sync rate is 49mbps this isn't a throughput/bandwidth issue.

I'd recommend raising a fault to us at so we can arrange an engineer to further investigate.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

I'll surely raise a fault as suggested, I was only waiting to see the result of my last try to improve client side. On saturday I've swapped the long flat/cheap cable that comes with the Hub One, with a cat 6 made by myself and only 30cm long. Not much difference because there was no interference anyway.

Standard cable

22:16:01, 15 May. ( 87.100000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=49667Kbps, Up Rate=14989Kbps; SNR Margin Down=6.0dB, Up=6.1dB


Cat 6

18:59:24, 19 May. (333885.370000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=48991Kbps, Up Rate=15314Kbps; SNR Margin Down=6.1dB, Up=6.1dB


The difference could be a different negotiation, in fact I've got 6.1dB instead of 6.0. Maybe if it negotiated at 6.0 I could have gained the same Down with a better Up, but not sure.

I'm going to test again from the master socket in the weekend then I'll raise a fault being 100% sure of the top speed I can reach.


As your sync rate is 49mbps this isn't a throughput/bandwidth issue.

I mean, if it syncs at such speed, but the real speed is quite lower despite a decent SNR, could be a bandwidth issue in the sense that from the street cabinet to the Exchange there is too much traffic and I get a lower speed because of this jam, not because of a house to cabinet problem.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

There may be cross talk at the cabinet impacting the sync rate, but congestion on the BT network will only impact throughput not sync. From the test results you’ve given above it looks like your throughput is fine for the sync rate your router is at.
From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

Ah ok, but I had the impression that beside the sync speed, the sync/throughput ratio months ago was quite closer to 1. I mean, while few months ago with 52 sync speed I had a 50/51 of real speed, now at 49.6 corresponds a 45 of real speed.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Fibre upgrade, a bit of confusion.

That's likely caused by your sync rate being slow which would need to be investigated by an engineer.

Let us know once you've raised the fault.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi