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Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

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Registered: ‎17-04-2017

Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

I have just purchased an Epson WF 2660 printer. Although it says its connected to the router, it will not wake up to print.I have tried just about everything, and its probably something simple. I have done a network check on the connection and although it says everything ok, it does come up with 

" a router /access point channel conflict has been detected. .... improve your wireless environment"

I have re installed, moved the printer, messed about with settings ( i put them back if they don t work). Cannot think or find anything else to rectify this. If it won t wake up when I send a print job, then its not fit for purpose and my last resort is to return it. 

I don t like admitting defeat so has anyone any ideas please ?Huh

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Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

is the printer connected to your WIFI network, or is it acting as it's own wifi network that lets devices connect to it directly?

whichever it is, it is complaining about the WIFI channel.
so the first port of call would be on your router and seeing what wifi channel the router is using.
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Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

Do you mean that it completely fails to print over WiFi or that it will print immediately after you switch it on but not after you have left the printer inactive for a while?

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Registered: ‎17-04-2017

Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

I have just connected it to the wifi, ... the plus net router. I took it off the wifi direct, thinking it was the conflict. So, I am presuming my tablet, phone, will connect to it through the router. 

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Registered: ‎17-04-2017

Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

Correct, it won t wake up as they say... It does print fine if i switch it on manually. and powers off itself. But I want it to print automatically ..."wake up" otherwise defeating the object of my purchasing it. I keep it in another room, but at the moment its nearby, . It is objecting !!! I m sure there is something simple to sort it out... ?Huh

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Registered: ‎17-04-2017

Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

Chenks.. when its turned on..connected its on 2.4ghz ... and i have the ip address and mac address, but as to what to do with that info , I m stumped. . This matches with the printer of course. 

I don t see what I can do about the conflict. This router has already booted out my cordless phone as it did n t like it... !!! But I can t do with out my printer., wirelessly that is lol 

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Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

WiFi direct is for people who don't use a router.


I wonder if the router could be set to renew IP addresses too frequently?  Other than that I can only think that it really is a printer problem.  Have you checked for firmware updates? 



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Registered: ‎17-04-2017

Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

I set the ip as static, so it did n't change.... just a guess. I have written to Epson as its a bit chicken and egg. Don t know if its the printer or the router. They just don t like each other and the message about the conflict got me thinking that all was not right.

I am wondering if it is a printer that has to be left with the power light on. My Canon didn t it just shut down completely.

Technology eh?

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Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

Most printers will enter a low-power 'sleep' state after a period of inactivity.  The display (if there is one) should go blank but the wireless receiver remains on.  If you are pressing a button to try to make the printer 'sleep' I would suggest that you don't.

if you have set a static IP on the printer, make sure it is outside the range of dynamically assigned IPs used by the router.  Some common routers assign IP addresses in the range to in which case you should use to for static IP addresses.  Alternatively, set the router to assign the same IP to the printer every time.  Either method should avoid IP address conflicts.

Not applicable

Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

@Techynan - The message you are getting regarding the conflict is I assume down to the use of the WiFi direct as its access point may well be clashing with your routers. As you have a router then using this would be then best option, as it should provide a more reliable connection.

You said you’ve set the static IP but was the address you selected correct? The address you use should be a free address selected from the same range used by your router as suggested by above by @ReedRichards

Ideally you would want to configure the router to issue the same IP to the printer so if you can provide the make and model of it someone should be able to help you on how to configure that.

In order for the printer to wake up from sleeping I’m guessing that the printer software sends what is called a magic packet. But in order for this to work the router must be capable of forwarding this packet to the device whose MAC address is contained in the packet.

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Registered: ‎17-04-2017

Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

Thank you Mook and ReedRichards. I m going to try those options..

My router is a Plusnet Hub One Sagemcom. 

I m not too sure about the magic packets, but I will double check the software or firmware ( never sure of the terms) are up do date.

The screen on the computer does go black but the power stays on. I am wondering now if thats how it should be. But my previous Canon printer shut off completely, and why the conflict message. 

I m going to try those suggestions now, so thank you , worst scenario it either goes back or I leave the power on., I don t like to be defeated though, and enjoy discovering too , even though its a bit frustrating at times .

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Registered: ‎17-04-2017

Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

My router won t let me assign a number outside of the ones it uses... so I chose one a bit higher ... 90... but its not made any difference. The firmware is up to date as far as I can see, so looks like I will have to just leave it switched on.. and resign to being defeated Sad It is probably likely to be that magic packet Nook suggested ( not got a clue)

I think this Plus Net router don t like my devices, it got rid of my phone, now aggravating my printer !! 

Maybe Epson will get back to me... 

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Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

Many devices these days blur the boundaries between Off and On so it's hard to know what is what.  It seems you used to have a Canon printer that remained on when it was switched off and now you have an Epson printer that doesn't.  Perhaps it's just your expectations that are wrong?

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Registered: ‎17-04-2017

Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

Lol..I think are right...I am learning all the time. Its difficult to leave something "switched on". But I will stick it in its room and find something else to challenge my brain.
Thank you so much for your time. I have learnt a bit more on here about routers phones and printers.
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Re: Epson printer will not wake up to print .. ??

My printer is playing music, I think the paper's jamming Funny



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