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Lack of understanding.

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎01-12-2022

Lack of understanding.

I have been with Plusnet for quite a few years and I have always enjoyed good customer service. However, this has now come to an end. I contacted Plusnet to explain that whilst my contract was coming to an end in December, I have been having numerous issues with the Broadband. Sometimes it goes out for a few seconds at a time, but these are never one offs, it goes off for easily 30 minutes per day in total. These connection issues have been going on for months, but due to health issues, I am unable to be constantly on the telephone to complain. I have to order my medication online and it is the only way for me to be in contact with friends around the world, so having working broadband is very important to me. My carer has tried to call customer services, but he is met with resistance and so I tried to explain what has been happening, that my Broadband has not been working properly and I could really do with some help to fix it. My carer has done the usual steps each and every time, to no avail. I was brushed off and passed to someone to get me to take a new contract. I did indeed want a new contract, with better broadband, but I also wanted my problems dealt with. The man was not interested and said that I shouldn't be worried, as my contract will soon change and I will have to have a new router for the better broadband. He made it plain that it was my fault for having the same router for two years and that this was very old technology. My concerns were completely dismissed and when I then asked about new offers, such as Topcashback offering £70 for taking out the same package and the offer of a pre paid card, I was told that there were no offers on and that I should be grateful that he was knocking off 1p per month, because the website had the incorrect price on there. I was then told that I would be charged for carriage for my new router and I explained my health issues and said that my normal carer would not be there that weekend, so I needed it to not come until the Monday, or after (this Monday.) He obviously took no notice, or didn't care, because I also said that I did not want it going to any neighbour and there was no safe place to leave it. I needed it when my main carer was here, so he could answer the door and get the new router for me. Well the router turned up on the Saturday and was given to a neighbour, when my carer came on the Monday, he went and got it (thankfully it was a neighbour who does not steal items). I looked at the packaging when I could and the sticker states to deliver to a neighbour. So I feel that Plusnet's customer service is now so bad, that it is obvious they have joined BT. I am fed up of trying to sort this out on the telephone and there is no email to use to convey such sensitive information. No one has bothered to look into the issues I am still having with the broadband and I feel totally ignored, I didn't even receive an apology for the problems, nor was I offered any compensation, giving me free postage of the new router would have gone a long way to making me feel heard. Is there any hope, or should I hurry up and cancel my new contract?   

The Full Monty
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Re: Lack of understanding.

@Gothiccouturier I understand what you are saying, and if that was the response from the agent, they need some training - in my opinion.

However, the speed/reliability issue is a different issue, and to be honest would be better dealt with as a separate topic on the 'Broadband' board.

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Re: Lack of understanding.

This is not likely to be an old router issue.

The reported experience seems quite inappropriate. Try using the automated faults checkers below for phone and broadband.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Lack of understanding.

@Gothiccouturier   Pleae Contact Me, via Private Message for some help. Your private messages is not set up for me to contact you.

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Re: Lack of understanding.

@Gothiccouturier  Just been told that you cannot send or receive Private Messages until you have 5 posts on the board !  Doh !.

It`ll keep for now... no problem contact me when you are able.


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Re: Lack of understanding.


Welcome to the Forum

That's correct just do four more posts anything will do 

Just answer the four people who replied to you

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎01-12-2022

Re: Lack of understanding.

Thank you to those who have answered me. I couldn't get online until now, so I will go through them now.

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎01-12-2022

Re: Lack of understanding.

Thank you and yes I agree, the agents both needed more training to be honest. I was more frustrated at the lack of customer service about the problem and the attitude, hence putting it in the customer service part. Everything has been done that we can do at this end, so I am hoping that it might get fixed with the new contract. If I am really lucky, someone might decide to help at Plusnet and sort it before then. 

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎01-12-2022

Re: Lack of understanding.

Thank you for those, I will go through them one by one. I had to have Openreach in last year, as their cable to the house was damaged and causing issues. I am glad that I am not the only one who doesn't think it is the router. Hopefully something will get it working correctly.

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎01-12-2022

Re: Lack of understanding.

Thank you, as soon as it lets me I will contact you. The broadband went down again just, even though my carer put the new router in, as the agent told me I could. So it is definitely not a router issue, whilst I want to get these broadband issues sorted, the customer service really needs improving. It is such a shame, I used to tell so many people how wonderful the customer service was. Fingers crossed I can get this sorted. 

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎01-12-2022

Re: Lack of understanding.

Thank you for that Smith7, may I ask where I would find private messaging when it allows me to use it? 

The Full Monty
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Re: Lack of understanding.

@Gothiccouturier to send a PM, click a users name - a new window will open with the option to send a PM, on the RH side.

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎01-12-2022

Re: Lack of understanding.

Thank you, only the second time of using the forum, so I am a little unsure of where things are. I will do that now.

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

Hi @Gothiccoutirer, 


I'm really sorry to read about all the issues you've had with our support and with the connection problems too. 


It sounds like we could have listened to you a lot better so I've marked a complaint on your account and have taken ownership, I'm going to go through all the recent contacts with us and make sure some feedback gets passed on.


As things stand your fibre upgrade is due to go ahead tomorrow so I'll check in with you after that to see if there's still any connection problems too. 


I tried giving you a call just now but there was no answer, I've added a full response to your account here:



If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎01-12-2022

Re: Lack of understanding.

Dear Adam,

I am very sorry that I missed your call. I have problems holding phones, especially in the cold and my carer was in the other room. The issues are still ongoing at present, the landline was crackling quite badly for a few days as well, but I am not sure if that was because people working for Virgin, were working near the box, digging everything up. I have read your full response and anytime today or tomorrow after 1pm will be great and I shall keep a look out for the number you called from today. Thank you for taking this on, fingers crossed it can all get sorted now.

Best wishes
