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The new SEO: Search Engine Optimisation or Cauterisation?

The new SEO: Search Engine Optimisation or Cauterisation?

The new SEO: Search Engine Optimisation or Cauterisation?

It's not exactly the sort of thing you'd expect to read in the red tops but the subject of SEO (dressed up admittedly in more reader friendly terminology such as 'online profiling') snuck its way into the Sunday Mirror at the weekend. It is reported that supermodel Kate Moss has supposedly had her past 'cleaned up' on Google so that, when you search for the star's name, 'glowing profiles' and links to her business concerns appear on the first page of results. And as we all know, relatively few people go further than Google's first page. Search Engine Optimisation is now a multi-million dollar 'industry', with all sorts of people trying to make a buck off the back of getting your page to 'rank' higher than your competitors'; but the basic principles are the same as they ever were.  Simply put, if you make website content 'relevant' to the terms being searched for, then Google will rank you higher. If Ms Moss has really been tidying up her Google results then she's had a crack team busily at it, covering content at sites such as Wikipedia, Internet Movie Database and YouTube as well as her own. One can't help but wonder whether this story is more likely to be a case of sour grapes at the Mirror - has their own article been out-SEO'd to page 2?

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