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Terry Christian passes Plusnet on

Terry Christian passes Plusnet on

Terry Christian passes Plusnet on

tcWe’re delighted to announce that award-winning Mancunian television and radio presenter Terry Christian is supporting our Plusnet Manchester awareness campaign. Terry, best known for his time on ‘The Word’ said: “Plusnet has the lot - easy set up, great customer service, quick connection speeds and affordable prices. I’m so pleased I was recommended Plusnet!” This Saturday, Terry will be at the Pass Plusnet On event at the Trafford Centre in Manchester. The Pass Plusnet On event is one of five planned for the Manchester area over the next few weeks and features an interactive motion sensor game that anyone can play. Whoever manages to make it to the top of the leader board each day wins free Plusnet broadband for a year. Terry will be at the Trafford Centre from 1.00pm-3.30pm Pass Plusnet On will be in the Orient Way area of the Trafford Centre, between Selfridges and the food court. Plusnet will also be visiting the following locations: 20th February – Arndale Centre 27th February – Chill Factore 6th March – Piccadilly Station 13th March – Arndale Centre So if you live in the Manchester region, come down and play the Plusnet game, have ‘a word’ with Terry Christian and be in for a chance to win free Plusnet broadband for a year.

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This sound like fun and free broadband for a year!!but i live in scotland,plusnet get your bums up here with this lol
That Terry Christian quote sounds almost as suspicious as an utterly implausible photo printing endorsement of Lexmark printers which I once saw in an Argos catalogue… by David Bailey. Of course, it is theoretically possible that Terry really did say what the quote purports him to have said, but I find it highly unlikely – certainly without a little ‘persuasion’ by Plusnet. (Alternative reading of this comment: supposed quotes that're blatant marketing babble make everyone concerned look silly.)
Clearly Mr Christian hasn't been waiting a day and half for a reply to his mySQL help ticket like I have!
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Clearly Mr Christian hasn't been waiting over 24 hours for a reply as to why his broadband is running at 500k instead of 8M like I have. I might just get myself along to on of these events to let people know the true!
Whether Terry said it or not, it's good to see PN promoting in another major northern city. Yes Steve, maybe Dundee next 🙂 with a stand by Desporate Dan !!. :-), why should the west coast get it all...... Could PN afford a second hand bus to be fitted out and tour the country.
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Pass the sickbag.
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@WordWarrior @sgcrosby if you can post your ticket references then I'll be happy to take a look over your accounts and see if there's anything I can do to help?
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Sick bag indeed, Much as I dislike following the crowd............. Terry obviously hasn't had his broadband cancelled after 30 days of BT pretending to look into the problem, and then sayign it's impossible to have the service at your address (even though its been working fine for four years)
ugh.....It's unfortunate that this type of guff actually works on consumers.
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@Me, really? Seems odd that it would come to that if the service has been fine for almost half a decade. Would be happy to cast my eyes over things if you can provide me with a support ticket reference?
Community Veteran
I wonder when PlusNet Customer Service will be able to live up to the "supposed" reputation he is alluding to, in the above quotation " great customer service " Whilst Bob Pullen has offered his "personal service" to the above complainants, he really should not have to do this, with "great customer service" being broadcast by TV Personalities..... Should he?
@sgcrosby - Only 24 hours?!! It's been well over 3 weeks for me, jumping through hoops and running tests while no-one seems to do anything at the Plusnet end. And I'm only getting 500Kbps on a 20Mbps service, living 500m from my exchange. I'm in Manc, so perhaps I'll pop over and have 'a word' with Terry about it. @Bob, the reference is 31725051, in case you can help.
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@Tim, I've added some comments to your support ticket and given our Faults Team a nudge. Sorry to hear of your continued problems Sad
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MADNESS! The response times on tickets are all ready totally unacceptable - chasing more users is going to make matters worse.
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@jelv, there's a huge push on the ticket pools at the moment and the backlogs in a lot of pools have almost halved over recent days. There's also a big recruitment drive going on at the moment. We're fully conscious of the impact our marketing activities will have on the support centre, especially after the massive marketing/poster campaigns that we've run across certain areas of the country over recent months.
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We've been promised the improvements in the ticket handling for some time and there's no visible sign that it's getting better. We still see postings from people where there have been totally unwarranted delays pushing faults to BT. My advice to anyone considering Plusnet at the current time would be to hold off for a couple of months to see if things improve.
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Well seems like im not the only one sick and tired of going round in circles trying to get things done and with a pathetic speed of 250kbps to a max of 1mb and unable to do anything all my neighbours can! Whats wrong Plusnet? Looks like a MAC code will soon be required which i should have requested 2 years ago!!!
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@dotcom, have you got a fault ticket reference I can take a look at?
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DONT BE FOOLED PLUSNET have awful customer service slow fault responses two weeks and more for an authentification error(still ongoing) blame Bt to delay admitting blame . I will be requesting my Mac code I suggest anyone who has a fault request one immediately It would be faster to change provider than get a fault resolved
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Would you like me to take a look at your account Gerard to see if there's anything I can do to help? You'd need to provide me with a ticket reference or account username though.
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No disrespect to anyone, but i have just left Tiscali/Talk Talk because they were so very slow and expensive and so far I find that plusnet are doing just fine! I live out in the sticks so i appreciate any speed that comes my way. Well done plusnet keep up the good work.
To say Plusnet is a Sheffield based company, why have you decided to target the infidels (London, Manchester) rather than the motherland? Surely, you should start the campaign at home?
Not wanting to upset the whingers applecarts but I've been a customer of Plusnet for a couple of years now and have found things fine. I tried BT. who sent me a CD which couldn't play as I hadn't got a M$ machine. I tried talktalk and found them to be all talk and no action.Plusnet are easy to contact and easy to talk to in my experience. 'The grass always looks greener 'tother side of the fence'
@Carole and Dave Good to hear you're happy with us :) @soopahfly I think it was due to the sheer amount of people in London why we started there.
Plusnet Help Team
I'd agree, would be great for us to start this in our home town. Just seems a far more sensible decision to start targeting the rest of the UK first especially the bigger cities. So as much as it might pain us Wink we have to go elsewhere first to reach the masses before we can spread awareness back home. I would like to add that the banners we have in front of Internet House here in the Steel city seem to be gradually multiplying!
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Hey, for those of you dissatisfied with PlusNet (I only heard about them because I saw free broadband for a year on the side of a bus) I highly recommend the ISP I use, Be* Broadband, I have the 24MB service and must say the speeds are always decent at least (never, ever 500k!!!) and their customer service is always available, if you don't want to raise a ticket with them, they're always available on the phone, which is a free number I may add. They also get your problem fixed there and then, no faffing around. I know it sounds like a shameless plug (perhaps not as shameless as Terry's) but I'm just a extremely happy customer and want the company to do well so I can stay with them. Give em' a go!
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Glad you're happy with your provider Mike, it's definitely worth noting though that calls to our support centre are free too if your phone service is with us. We also have a geographical number as well which most telephony operators give you free minutes to call.
Hey Bob, still watching this one? Just thought you might be interested to know my ticket is well over over three months old and counting. Still no resolution. The team are still blaming it on BT and getting me to run even more tests (it's a bit like groundhog day). BT Speedtest result from 20 minutes ago - 661 Kbps. :( Also, one of the earliest posts on the ticket (left by plusnet, not me) records that I would prefer to be called on the mobile, I still get regular messages left on my land-line. For a while I felt a sense of absolute wonder at the sheer levels of incompetence, but now that's settled down into a feeling of dull disbelief...
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Just taken a read through your ticket Tim and I'm sorry it's taking so long to resolve. I've asked one of our faults guys to take another look now so you should be due an update shortly...