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Plusnet Predictions for 2013

Plusnet Predictions for 2013

Plusnet Predictions for 2013

Crystal ball. Every year we like to make predictions for the year ahead. Coming up with a list of 10 things which aren't the most obvious and that actually happen isn't easy as you'll see when we  review how badly I did with last year's predictions. I'm still holding out hope for a couple of them happening in 2013 so let's look at what I'm thinking will happen this year ...

  1. 2013 will see LTE services launching from at least three more providers in the UK, but we'll see the end for at least one major mobile phone manufacturer who will be acquired or exit the market. The 4G auction is due to take place in the next few months in the UK so expect more competition and more availability in the faster mobile space. I don't expect to see multi-device shared data contracts this year but they will be common place in 2014.
  2. The Alfa 4C will go in to production and be available to buy in Europe for less than £40,000 this year. Bargain Smiley I want one.
  3. Someone will launch a hat phone, a phone that is built into a hat. Not quite Inspector Gadget, but that kind of idea.
  4. Apple will surprise people expecting them to launch the Apple Television by launching the iWatch… only to then launch the television as well. I think the Apple Television is in a lot of predications, it was expected last year but never arrived. Apple launched the iPod in 2001, the iPhone in 2007 and the iPad in 2010, so it's probably due a new product line this year.
  5. 2013 will be see 3D printing start to take off. We'll start to see affordable 3D printers, maybe not in the high street stores just yet as I think there's a whole legal wrangle to consider but we'll see the prices come down and we'll see the legislation being looked at.
  6. Expect a evening of Doctor Who on Saturday 23rd November including a special episode featuring not just Matt Smith but David Tennant, and Christopher Ecclestone and maybe even Paul McGann.
  7. PS4 and Xbox 720 available before Christmas. Expect the 720 to be announced and launch first but Sony to pull out all the stops and launch the PS4 just in time for Christmas.
  8. Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford will be announced as making appearances in Star Wars Episode VII. With Disney's purchase of Lucasfilm and announcement that they will be releasing Star Wars episodes VII, VIII and IX over the next few years speculation is rife as it who will direct and star in the films and what the story will be.
  9. One state in the US or a city in Japan will have a driverless taxi service operating on the normal roads. Google already have a driving licence in Nevada so it's not that big a leap for someone to start operating commercially and the most obvious way is a taxi service.
  10. The UK will spend over £9bn on online Christmas shopping next year and a total of more than £80bn across the year beating the £7.9bn and £68bn from last year. The rate of increase will start to slow but online sales will still see big growth, what will be interesting is how much of the online growth will be driven by digital purchases (apps, music downloads) against physical purchases (DVDs, books).

And one bonus one Everton will be in the Champions League next season and you'll be to see the results on your bluetooth enabled augmented reality glasses which pull the data from your smartphone. So how badly did I do last year?  Let's have a look:

  1. Apple to launch a television - not yet but I've got it down for this year too. - 0/10
  2. By the end of the year Netflix, Lovefilm and Sky Anytime+ will do at least as much traffic as YouTube on an average evening. Not quite, in December the split between the 4 video services on our network was 71% to YouTube, 14% to Netflix, 11% to Sky and 4% to LoveFilm. YouTube still leads the way but Netflix has taken a big chunk of traffic having only launched last year they're launching Super HD and 3D streams - 0/10
  3. Assuming it comes out this year Grand Theft Auto V will be the biggest selling computer game ever. Well it wasn't released but should be out this year and while I still think it will claim the crown of biggest game, it would've been easy to re-use that prediction too - 0/10
  4. The Wii U will be the best selling Christmas toy. While it came out in time for Christmas, the first sales figures I can find suggest it sold less than the PS3 and Xbox 360 so don't think this will be true - 0/10
  5. YouView will finally launch this year. Yay got one! - 1/10
  6. Cloud based gaming will take off in 2012. With the collapse of OnLive this year it didn't happen, it's still possible we'll see cloud gaming become a success especially if Sony use some of Gaikai's technology in the PS4 - 1/10
  7. A spinoff or prequel of Lost will commissioned, sadly not - 1/10
  8. The world will not end in 2012. It didn't! - 2/10
  9. Jenson Button will be F1 World Champion. Another year for Sebastion. Alonso wasn't far behind but still… - 2/10
  10. By the end of the year we will see 15″ displays with over 3000 x 2000 pixels. I think half a point for the Apple Retina display 15" Macbook Pro. 2880x1800 isn't far off my prediction - 2.5/10

One in four's not bad, right? Wink What do you want to predict for 2013? Leave a comment below or post in our forums with your predictions for 2013. The best predictions will be highlighted in next year's blog ...


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