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Newsletter - Issue 24

Newsletter - Issue 24

Newsletter - Issue 24




  Hi, Welcome to the first issue of Plus for 2009. Our first newsletter of the year starts off with much of the country having suffered some of the worst snowy conditions for 18 years. When you’re digging yourself out and need to know what’s happening in the outside world where do you turn to? At the start of this week we noticed our broadband network getting a bit busier than usual. We reckon everyone has been checking transport and media websites to find out how to get to work or if the schools are open. Of course working from home is an option for more people than ever today, and we certainly noticed an increase in remote access traffic across our broadband network. Whatever the weather we’ll be sure to keep your favourite ISP running, providing the broadband and phone services you need. We’ve lots of things planned for 2009 and we’ll be sure to keep you updated with all the latest news here in the monthly newsletters. Here’s just a taster of some of the things we’ve currently got on the go. Thanks for reading, Carol Axe (Customer Support Director and Plus Editor)


  1. ADSL2+ Trial Reaches the Next Stage
  2. Changes to Home Phone pages
  3. Plusnet increases central capacity
  4. The Plusnet CSC Telephone System
  5. Presidential Inauguration Coverage - Another Online Hit
  6. They Don't Make 'em Like They Used To
  7. 2009 tech. predictions
  8. Moderator Elections

1. ADSL2+ Trial Reaches the Next Stage For a few months now we've been running a trial for users in ADSL2+ enabled areas to test this new faster generation of Broadband. ADSL2+ allows connection speeds up to 20mb although equipment has not yet been added to every exchange in the UK. You can find out if your exchange has been enabled by visiting The trial is proving very popular so your patience is appreciated. We’re looking at about a two week waiting time to review your application. If you'd like to take part and you're sure your exchange is enabled then you can apply to take part at If you'd like to find out what the ADSL2+ experience is like you can chat to other customers already on the trial in the 21CN trial forum. For further information please see the full blog post.

2. Changes to Home Phone pages

Our Web Development and Content teams have been hard at work arranging a new page design for the Home Phone pages in your Member Centre. We have rearranged the call lists and tabs so that the layout is a lot cleaner and tidier. We hope you like the new layout, if you've got any suggestions for changes to anything on our website we'd love to hear from you - give us a shout in the Community forums, on the product ideas and suggestions board. Thank you in advance.
3. Plusnet increases central capacity To improve the Plusnet broadband experience we've increased the capacity of our central bandwidth with the addition of a further 155mbps segment. For those of you who don't know, these central bandwidth ‘pipes’ connect our Plusnet network to BT’s ‘backhaul’ network. They provide the connection from your local telephone exchange, and ultimately your own phone connection. This means we can support more connections allowing more people to download more websites, videos, music and everything else the Internet has to offer. Read the full blog post here.
4. The Plusnet CSC Telephone System We've noticed that recently we've been taking a lot of support calls on the 0114 number. Unfortunately this number is not routed via our Network IVR (Interactive Voice Recognition, the automated menus you go through when calling our support centre) and as such using this number can lead to longer wait times and inefficiencies as the call is not necessarily routed to the agent best qualified to answer your query. What we'd rather do is send these calls directly to the network IVR in order to alleviate the above issues. However unfortunately it is not possible to route a geographic number to this IVR. Therefore to encourage use of the 0845 number for general enquiries we are removing the 0114 number from the main page footer and also the 'how to contact us' section of the website. If you do need the 0114 number for a specific reason it will remain available on the index page of our help and support section.We would like you all to know that we are continuing to look at possible alternatives that will allow us to offer both support on a convenient phone number and an improved call experience through the network IVR. We'll keep you posted. If you'd like to read more about this and our future plans please read James's blog.
5. Presidential Inauguration Coverage - Another Online Hit Bigger than the Olympics? President Barack Obama's inauguration certainly caused another surge in iPlayer usage. Perhaps it's because, unlike television, it's available in the workplace? Perhaps it's because the Internet is now almost as widely accessible as the radio? Or perhaps more likely, it's down to President Obama simply using the internet very smartly during his campaign? Regardless of how it's happened, streaming video on the Internet is getting bigger and better and more and more people are turning to it for news and current affairs. There are several blogs on the iPlayer and the debate about the effect it's having on the Internet as a whole on the Community site. Read the full post here.
6. They Don't Make 'em Like They Used To Computer gaming has been going for around 30 years now. The generation that grew up with the Acorn Electron and the Commodore 64 is now all grown up and has a bit of disposable income to hand. As a result all the old favourites are starting to make a comeback. ‘Game and Watch' games on the Game Boy, Arcade games being rereleased in multipacks for the latest consoles... I bet that when you were feeding those huge old 10p pieces into Enduro Racer on the seafront in Skegness that you never, ever, imagined being able to buy ten arcade games on one disk and play them in your lounge at home. But are you as good as you used to be? Well, last years Sychosis2 LAN party proved that one of us at least hasn't lost those skills, but Carl's blog suggests that he's dropped the microsecond jump timing he spent years developing on PacLand and Wonderboy in favour of the ability to play plastic rock instruments. Is this a step forward or a step backward? You decide. If you fancy testing your skills, there are a few classics that have been wrapped in Flash and put on the internet for you to play at your leisure. Here are just few of our favourites: Sim City Donkey Kong International Karate+ Bomb Jack Read Carl's blog here.

7. 2009 tech. predictions

On the back of his 50% score for last year's predictions, our Platform manager Dan Kirkland has had another go for 2009 to see if he can do better this year. There are some fantastic ideas in his blog - I'm quite excited by OLED technology but the idea of a mobile phone with a built in projector really gets the imagination going. What do you think will be big this year? We're sure that the computer market will keep growing and technology will integrate itself ever more deeply into our lifestyles, but how? Has our Dan got the right end of the stick, or do you have a different view of the future? Perhaps by the end of the year we'll be looking through glasses with inbuilt displays so the computer world is overlaid on top of the physical? Perhaps we'll start seeing wider WiFi networks or maybe fuel cells will replace batteries... it's an exciting time. Make your suggestions on the Community Forums and we'll see who gets the most right - same time same place next year? Want to read more? Here's the full list of Dan's predictions.
8. Community Forum Moderator Elections Our Forum Moderators are on the lookout for another couple of keen forum goers to add to their ranks and to keep an eye on the ebb and flows of the Community. If you're a regular contributor and know your way about, or if you know someone who might be interested, take a look at this topic.
Want to talk to us about anything in this newsletter? Then visit our Discussion Forums. This newsletter has been sent to you as a valued customer of Plusnet. If you would like to change your preferences for the electronic communication you receive from us, please click here. Please note that by changing your preferences, you will no longer receive other promotional communications from Plusnet, including free gifts, details of competitions and information about new products and services. Plusnetplc Registered Office: Internet House, 2 Tenter Street, Sheffield, S1 4BY Registered in England no: 3279013


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