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New Plusnet Webmail platform goes live

New Plusnet Webmail platform goes live

New Plusnet Webmail platform goes live

Webmail screenshotThose of you familiar with our Webmail platform may have noticed this morning that it's had a bit of a facelift. We've been running an open trial of the new service since late last year and have been really happy with the results so today we've decided to remove the 'beta' label and make the service the default Webmail offering. The old Webmail platform will run in parallel with the new service for a few months but will eventually be decommissioned. Until then, you can access it by clicking the 'basic webmail' button on the login page or by browsing to When you first log into the new Webmail platform, any address book entries from the old platform should be automatically carried across. We've seen a few examples today where this hasn't (or has only partially) happened though so if you find yourself in this position then please refer to the information I've posted over on our discussion forums. If you've not yet had chance to familiarise yourself with the new Webmail platform then have a read of my post from December last year that showcases some of the basics. Feel free to let us know what you think by leaving a comment below ...

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