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NEW PlusNet Broadband Speed Tester

NEW PlusNet Broadband Speed Tester

NEW PlusNet Broadband Speed Tester

Broadband speed is a hot topic at the moment, there have been numerous articles and posts about how fast you should be getting and how to test this. It's even been a bit of a talking point in the media, one of the most notable campaigns is by Channel 5's The Gadget Show. Things aren't always as clear as they seem in the broadband speed world, nearly all products out there are advertised as up to speeds. Here at PlusNet we try to be as open as possible about the speeds you are getting. From showing you how PlusNet traffic manage your account, to giving you advice on how to understand your current speeds and how they can be improved. We've now tried to make things even easier for you by introducing a more reliable, more accurate broadband speed tester. You can find this by clicking the speed test icon within your member centre or you can test directly at My Broadband Speed. The previous broadband speed tester on the PlusNet portal was originally developed for fixed speed lines, it had become notoriously strange when trying to test MaxDSL lines and could bring up some quite odd results. The new speed test is based on the same technology as some of the favourite broadband speed testers out there and should provide reliable, accurate results all the time. Your history from the previous PlusNet speed tester will be lost unfortunately, but the results from there wouldn't have been particularly accurate anyway! The new tester can once again store your history, however it will now produce a graph showing the change in speed on your line over a period of time. So why not have a look around the new speed tester and give us your feedback over on the forums. Look forward to hearing from you. Chris 

Check our handy guide which explains what is a good broadband speed and how to improve it.

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BT have been offering a reliable broadband speed test for some time now - simple to use - just enter phone number of postcode.
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The BT speed test that you have mentioned is not a "broadband speed tester". BT use that to inform people of the theoretical maximum speed on the line. The speedtester that PlusNet are now offering, shows you the actual speed available via your connection. Hope that has helped you in anyway Cheesy
As scrash says, the link you have provided gives the theoretical maximum speed on the line based on the distance your property is from the exchange. Unfortunately ADSL speeds aren't this simple and there are many other factors which can come into consideration. There is a BT speedtester available here:- BT Speedtester
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Cheers Guys - much appreciated.
I have used this speedtester for some time and found it to be very reliable. Also, it gives similar results to other speedtesters which the old one didn't. Thanks.
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Nice new speed tester by ookla but a pity you could not provide a link so we can at least get a look at our old speeds. The old speeds (from my grey matter memory) were very similar to these new ones..
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oday 22:35 798 kbps (99.8kB/s) 326 kbps (40.8kB/s) Share Today 22:31 956 kbps (120kB/s) 315 kbps (39.4kB/s) Share Today 22:31 897 kbps (112kB/s) 330 kbps (41.3kB/s) Share Today 15:37 589 kbps (73.6kB/s) 304 kbps (38kB/s) Share Today 15:36 982 kbps (123kB/s) 326 kbps (40.8kB/s) Share Today 15:35 762 kbps (95.3kB/s) 320 kbps (40kB/s) Share hello, Just thought I would share the speeds that I am achieving on my up to 8MB connection that plus net have told me they can do nothing about, funny thing is that up to about the 10th February I was getting speeds of between 6000 to 6500 kbps so what have plus net or any other party done since then to mess up my connection and in case you wonder I am only 382 mtrs away from the exchange. anyone got any ideas???
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I have no clue at all what the speed thingy means! It tells me a download and upload speed , but whats its supposed to be between the ranges of? How come it doesnt say 'oops this isnt providing the speed you would be happy with' or 'wow! this is a fast connection' Then i might get it....
Hi caroline, good point and we're looking into providing extra information for PlusNet customers such as the speed at which you should expect your line to perform and whether there have been any recent service disruptions that could be affecting your speed. However we could not do this for users of other broadband providers as we do not have access to that information.
Hi William, If you want to give me your account username or a ticket number on there I'll have a look into this for you.
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Well done Caroline, me too. I am paying for 8mb download and does this mean? that I am nowhere near what I should be getting or I am a very lucky person and should be grateful. It would be good to have some sort of conclusion that gives me comfort or tells me to get complaining.
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On the BT tester Chris gave us a link to, I get "You do not have Java applets enabled in your web browser." (in pale grey on yellow), from both home (PlusNet customer) and work. (Netscape 7.2, _does_ have Java enabled.)
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Since joining PlusNet my speeds were excellent, with an I.P. profile of 6000kbps; however since signing up for Home Phone Anytime +, the situation detiriorated literally overnight. Todays BT Speedtest shows an IP profile of 350kbps; a DSL connection rate of 448kbps (UP-STREAM) 6240kbps(DOWN-STREAM) & an actual IP throughput of 247kbps.Todays PlusNet speedtest showing a Download speed of 450kbps & 258kbps Upload. What has gone wrong? I honestly do not know, but I am a little confused!
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On your speed tester help tab, I read, "kilobyte (kB) = 1,000 bytes of data" Correction: 1024 is correct for computer use!
Alan: Nope. That's a kibibyte. Check the data orders of magnitude article.
Not applicable
I would just like to say - thank you! Another great feature! Not that I even need to use it, at peak times, which are around now, my broadband is still speeding along at 6498 kbps (812kB/s) according to your speed test! Thank-you for such a relaible service! I really *cannot* fault it!
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ive just done a speedtest and my speeds r crap i cant download anything of itunes because my speed is to slow im getting 132kbps download and 216 upload
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Hi Stuart, I've just had a look at your account and don't see nothing untoward, although that doesn't mean to say there's nothing wrong. 1st port of call would be to check out our slow speed troubleshooting guide at Jojo Smiley