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More bandwidth for the masses!

More bandwidth for the masses!

More bandwidth for the masses!

It's that time again folks! This morning we activated another 155Mbps segment of central capacity. All of the data you send and receive from your broadband connection travels across these segments of central capacity so to put it in simpler terms, we've just increased the amount of bandwidth that's available to you all. The new segment was lit just after half past nine this morning, see that little line creeping into view in the picture below? new_segment That's from our monitoring graphs and it represents the first 100 or so of you that managed to get connected to the new segment earlier on today. We add extra bandwidth to the network in accordance with our financial forecasting, projected growth in customer numbers and detailed analysis of the traffic trends on the network over time. Another reason we're lighting extra capacity this time around is to accommodate for the rise in customer numbers as we start moving people off some of our older legacy and trial broadband networks and back onto the BT Central pipes. This includes those who were using our LLU platform or taking part in the limited Retail Internet Platform (RIN) and IPStream Connect trials. For those of you who are interested, anybody connecting to the new segment will have their traffic routed via the gateway known as pcl-ag01. When new capacity is added to the network, it can take time for the network to balance and for a representative proportion of the customer base to connect to the new segment. In order to speed up this process and bring maximum benefit to customers we're planning to briefly disconnect some broadband subscribers from the Internet early next week. We'll announce further details about that though nearer the time. We're not stopping here though, the final segment of the current 622Mbps central pipe is also scheduled to be lit over the next few weeks (each 622Mbps central consists of 4 155Mbps segments, more here for those interested). Don't worry though, we've recently had another 622Mbps central provisioned and there's more on it's way too. Anybody currently taking part in our ADSL2+ trials might be interested to hear that we're also looking to increase the available bandwidth on our 21CN hostlink shortly (you guys don't use the BT Centrals either).

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