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Fighting the Spammers

Fighting the Spammers

Fighting the Spammers

The battle against spam remains at the top of our priority list. Alongside the measures we are taking, customers can also take steps to reduce the amount of spam in their mailboxes. As well as turning on the spam checking tool we provide with every account, we have provided a number of new options which, if applied with care, can dramatically reduce the amount of spam received. We are currently producing a video tutorial which will offer more guidance, but in the meantime customers might find the Blog article on Using the Manage My Mail tool helpful. In short, turning off the catch-all option and changing the 'default' email address from username@username[] (If you don't use this as your personal email address) makes it much harder for the spammers to guess an address. We have also provided new options for postmaster mail, and will shortly be removing the requirement for customers to read mail addressed to postmaster, provided an alternative contact address is supplied. And for those who have registered a domain name, you can now contact our support team and ask for the email address to be disabled entirely. Over the next month we hope to provide an additional layer of spam detection for all customers through a system called Criticalpath. More details about this, and a chance to help us trial the system can be found in the Usergroup forum. Ian

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