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Customer Satisfaction: October 2007

Customer Satisfaction: October 2007

Customer Satisfaction: October 2007

The purpose of the Customer Feedback Survey is to facilitate a better understanding of what our customers think of the service they receive from the Customer Support Centre (CSC). Customer feedback will be utilised to identify areas for improvement within the department, it also provides a feedback mechanism on the performance of individual agents. 6398 surveys have been submitted (via email) to PlusNet customers that have called the CSC. 2.7% of the surveys were completed which represents a sample size of 0.5% of all customers that have had telephone contact with a CSC agent in the month of September. It is important to highlight these statistics in order to allow the data presented within this report to be taken in context. Although the results gathered from the survey are a random sample of customers that have spoken to a CSC agent, the results do represent a very small sample of the total calls handled within the CSC during the month. The graphs below represent a selection of the questions asked to the customers to demonstrate the differing types of feedback we receive each month. I’ll use the same set of graphs as last month so we can do a fair comparison of how the CSC has performed. I will be using some new graphs next month to give a varied view on the survey. The first graph is to show the different types of queries we receive into the CSC. From the graphs you can see that the number of billing, customer service and sales calls have increased this month. Sales calls increasing can only be a good thing as this is the key to driving an increasing customer base. Nature Of Call The next graph is to show the call answer speed in the support centre. The graph shows another vast improvement on the previous month and now the number of calls answered in under 3 minutes outweighs those over 10 minutes. This has been achieved by very close monitoring of the call queues and continued recruitment of new staff. Occasionally the longest wait time is still quite high but this is been watched carefully and more resources put on to calls when this happens. Answer Time When there is an extended wait time there should be a message placed on the telephone menu system to advise customers of this. This month the N/A section of the graph has increased again, this is because the wait time has been more acceptable for customers generally. When a call queue develops we need to make sure a message is put on the phone menu to advise customers of this. Extended Wait When a customer calls through regarding an account query, we have to verify that they are who they say. In order to do this we perform varying data protection checks; this is usually in the form of password confirmation. The amount of 'no' answers has once again decreased this month, we ideally need this at 0 but it's likely that customers don't realise we are performing DPA by asking for characters from their password. DPA checks The percentage of customers happy with the resolution offered by the agent on a call is at 73.7% this month, this is practically identical to the previous month which was only 0.07% higher. Alot of the training has been rewritten for the new starters and is also being delivered to then by the people who actually wrote the training. Agent Resolution First time fix is a big thing here at PlusNet, we'd prefer to get the customers problem resolved on the first contact rather than customers having to call in multiple times. This figure has actually reduced by 1.5% from the previous month, this is another aspect we are working on with the new starters and hopefully you'll see this figure increase next month. Resolved First Call Now we come to what I believe is one of the most important indicators on the survey, the overall service satisfaction. It is worthwhile taking into account that this survey is only distributed to customers that call in and therefore, more often than not, it means that they have a problem or questions about their service. With all this taken into account I'm happy to say that the overall customer satisfaction score is once again over 61%. We are working across all areas of the business to keep this high as it's not only the CSC that affect our relationship with the customers. Overall Service I hope this blog has given a good account of how we take on board feedback, I look forward to showing you more improvements next month. Chris.

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