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Brits most proud of Jessica Ennis

Brits most proud of Jessica Ennis

Brits most proud of Jessica Ennis

Jessica Ennis Following on from our TV survey, Plusnet have continued to delve into what makes people proud and after our unprecedented summer of Sport, it should come as no surprise that it is our sporting prowess that this great nation takes most pride in. When it comes to public figures, nearly seven out of 10 (67%) people are proud of our sportsmen and women compared with 62% being proud of royalty. Next up in the list are musicians, who scored 60%, with actors coming in fourth place achieving 52%. Trailing far behind the rest of the field are politicians, with just one in 10 (11%) people saying they are proud of the decision makers in Westminster.

Sporting Pride

When looking at individual sportsmen and women it is Jessica Ennis that comes out top, ahead of Bradley Wiggins and Andy Murray. Offering a clue as to how the nation may vote in the upcoming BBC Sports Personality of the Year show on Sunday 16th December, 75% of the public said they were most proud of Sheffield’s gold medallist heroine Jessica Ennis, compared to Tour de France hero Bradley Wiggins who polled 70%. Third in the list with 57% was Andy Murray who also bagged an Olympic gold and landed his first Grand Slam title, the US Open, this year. In a reverse of the traditional sporting gender stereotype it is interesting more women (71%) than men (64%) are proud of our sporting heroes and when looking at how pride is affected geographically, Wales (75%) came out as the region most proud of our sportsmen. Emphasising our passion for all things sporting, it was the opening ceremony of the Olympics, which came out top of great British events, which evoked the most pride. Two thirds (65%) of people said they were most proud of the Danny Boyle-produced extravaganza compared to the Diamond Jubilee, which scored 60%. Given, we’re based in Sheffield we’d probably agree that our home town hero, Jessica Ennis should top the list but there were so many great sporting moments this year. Who would get your vote? Leave a comment and let us know...

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