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New bill format

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Registered: ‎21-02-2013

New bill format

They look much better and much clearer.


But, could you fix the name of the pdf it generates? It currently displays a "$STANDARD" which is either a variable not set or an actual chosen name.



File name based on account ID/invoice number + month + year would make sense and be more useful for filing purposes.

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: New bill format


Hi @ScottStorey,


I've passed that feedback on to the relevant people.



If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Harry Beesley
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Re: New bill format

See @HarryB ! I can be constructive!

Sometimes my posts aren't just to induce terror.
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Re: New bill format

@ScottStorey wrote:

File name based on account ID/invoice number + month + year would make sense and be more useful for filing purposes.

Come on Scott … if you want to be really helpful around here, as a system man, then surely the specification should be ...

account ID + year + month + invoice number ?


The "/" will not be helpful! Grin

Name sorting on invoice no + month + year is not going to infer any logical sequence or make them easy to find in a file list!!  Thumbs_Up Funny Laugh


Hope all is well with you?


Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 5
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Registered: ‎12-09-2018

Re: New bill format

Absolute rubbish. Printer friendly? NO , where is the VAT? huge blocks of colour that will empty my ink cartridges. Why should I have to set it to print in black and white? hate it, if it's not broke dont fix it, what was wrong with the old one? change for changes sake?  3 pages  instead of one, pathetic

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: New bill format

Hi @arnold4,


I have replied to your social media post, but just for clarification we no longer have the facility to provide VAT invoices for our residential customers, its fair for us to assume that if you are in need of a VAT invoice you are using your broadband for something other than residential purposes therefore it may be worth transferring to a business account.


In regards to your ink cartridges, we can't guarantee any changes however we can pass your feedback on to the relevant department.


I hope this clears things up for you.


Posts: 5
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Registered: ‎12-09-2018

Re: New bill format

I used to believe Plusnet were different , localish and cared for the customer. Wrong, you're no different to the others.

I always thought any vat regd business had to provide a vat receipt if asked for one, Tesco and all other retailers do.

I will leave Plusnet asap. Broadband is the same where ever, it's  the service that matters.

The blocks of colour, you condescending said I can print in black and white. It's  still a block instead of text on plain paper.

Far from impressed

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: New bill format

Hello @arnold4 I am sorry we do not supply your bill excluding VAT on a residential services. Our Business broadband and landline services can offer you this.


I am sorry for any inconvenience caused - Wakas

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Re: New bill format

Well, my account is a business account. I must say the new format including VAT is not helpful. How do I get a pdf format file for my records/accountant?  I can do a screen print but it is not well formatted and to be honest for an "improvement" it is pretty cludgy.


Sorry, just noticed it's the pre-Sept bills that have the problem. Sept onwards seem to provide reasonable pdf VAT

Now Zen, but a +Net residue.
Posts: 1
Registered: ‎05-10-2018

Re: New bill format

Absolutly agree, the previous layout was satisfactory, this one is ugly and why more than one page now? - filing one is quite enough - we do not need the huge print - please let us have the old format back.

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎05-10-2018

Re: New bill format

Well I am happy with the Fisher Price font as I am getting one ah aah ah.  What really gets me is the fact that in all the haste to improve our experience there is no way to download the bills, or unless I am missing something.  Tried to save the HTML tried to print the page but of course it is x2 pages so I can't get the PlusNet's company details so I can use this is evidence of being billed.

Basic thought would have prevented this fiasco!  Love how the thread on downloading has been locked so people can tell them how "great" it is!


Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: New bill format

Hi @AlaricAdair The new ones are as you've noticed with the nice option to download in a PDF format. 


With regards the pre-September bills a work around for being unable to download easily is to let the bill load in the little popup>right click>choose 'print'>under destination choose 'Microsoft print to PDF'. This way isn't ideal, and they out come a little ugly due to formatting but should at least allow you to download them a little easier than print screening. 


@Katie2, I'm sorry but you won't get the old format back. I'm afraid you'll have to adapt. That said if you don't want all of the pages instead of clicking the download option, choose the print option, choose 'Microsoft print to PDF'' as the destination and in the 'pages' select the pages you want. So if you only want the summary page saving then enter a '1'. If you want everything but the last page (the one with the how to contact us stuff on) then choose 1-3 (or whatever your page number is prior to this). Then click the print button, this will save the document in a PDF format using the options you've input. 


@FrumpyGudger The bills post September can easily be downloaded. When it opens the bill in the pop up there's a download option at the very top. Here's an image showing where with a big red arrow:



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Re: New bill format

@JOLO wrote:

With regards the pre-September bills a work around for being unable to download easily is to let the bill load in the little popup>right click>choose 'print'>under destination choose 'Microsoft print to PDF'. This way isn't ideal, and they out come a little ugly due to formatting but should at least allow you to download them a little easier than print screening. 

Unless the browser in use allows "Print iFrame content" printing to PDF is not going to help with pre-1st Sept invoices, for users will still get just the displayed part of the bill laid over the "behind the pop-up window" page contents.  Edge and Chrome do not support this, but good old IE does! Grin

PS: IN respect of the new bill download illustration, it is important to note which browser you are using.  Not all browsers have the download arrow you refer to.  On some one needs to right click the page and choose "Save As...".


Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: New bill format

@Townman, I tested my suggestion using chrome, IE and Firefox before posting and all three worked (I didn't test with Edge tbh). 


You're correct I should have noted the browser. The image I posted was using Chrome, though the bills are displayed via Adobe so all browsers will have the download/print options but they will be displayed different comparative to how Adobe has chosen to display the content on the particular browser.


For example Edge looks like this - 



I can't show images of Firefox or IE because of the internal network in the office so you'll need to work out what the individual download icons look like yourselves in whatever respective browser you choose to use but it will look similar to the two above.