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Engineer charge after enormous hassle

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎25-03-2020

Engineer charge after enormous hassle

Hi I would be grateful for assistance.


I am an elderly man and mostly deaf and so find it difficult to speak on the phone. My son does that for me when he can. We moved house in december and PLusnet assured us that our service was good to go.


Unfortunately this was not the case and consequently my son had to spend a lot of his time after work, phoning your office which was understandably busy during lockdown.

I have now been charged £65 for an engineer visit. This is in spite of my son having to phone for up to several hours a day in the week after we moved in and being told many times that our internet was good to go and that there was no problem as far as Plusnet was concerned.


Most of the customer service people were kind and helpful (one was downright rude) but most of them did not know how to help. We were assured we would not be charged as the fault was not of our making having just moved into the home.

To be charged after my son was put through such a lot of hassle is pretty upsetting. I would be grateful for any assistance with this as I am disappointed in your service in this matter particularly as other parts of my bill have also had mistakes which my son has once again had to phone up about in his own time.


Many thanks

Philip Poston