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Billing confusion

Posts: 15
Registered: ‎01-08-2021

Billing confusion


Just start to use the Plusnet Fibre Broadband service since 1st Jul. The first payment including one off charges as follows;

Item                                                                              Cost
Installation Charge                                                        £49.99
Line Rental                                                                    £20.29
Unlimited Fibre Extra Initial Subscription                      £21.30
Unlimited Fibre Extra Discount                                     £-15.60
Activation Fee Discount                                                £-10.00
Activation Fee                                                               £10.00
Total                                                                             £75.98

After that, should pay £25.99 between months 2-12 till contract ended.


And now I have received the bill for July and August, where the breakdown is quite complicate to understand, and wonder why the monthly charge isn't £25.99 but £29.81?Does anyone facing the same or it is the normal as usual? Thanks.


Balance brought forward                                                 £0.00
Line Rental 01/07/21 31/07/21                                        £21.22
Line Only 01/07/21 31/07/21                                           £0.00
Voicemail 01/07/21 31/07/21                                           £0.00
Caller Display 01/07/21 31/07/21                                    £0.00
Payment 20/06/21 20/06/21                                           -£75.98
Installation Charge 20/06/21 20/06/21                            £49.99
Activation Fee 20/06/21 20/06/21                                   £10.00
Activation Fee -Discount 20/06/21 20/06/21                  -£10.00
Total                                                                               -£4.77



Balance brought forward                                                -£4.77
 Line Rental 01/08/21 31/08/21                                       £21.22
Line Only 01/08/21 31/08/21                                           £0.00
Voicemail 01/08/21 31/08/21                                           £0.00
Caller Display 01/08/21 31/08/21                                    £0.00
Plusnet Protect (Included) 01/07/21 31/07/21                 £0.00
Plusnet Protect (Included) 01/08/21 31/08/21                 £0.00
Unlimited Fibre Extra 01/07/21 31/07/21                         £22.28
Unlimited Fibre Extra 01/08/21 31/08/21                         £22.28
Promotional Discount 01/07/21 31/07/21                       -£15.60
Promotional Discount 01/08/21 31/08/21                       -£15.60
Total                                                                                £29.81

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Registered: ‎21-04-2017

Re: Billing confusion

Thanks for your post @bennykkf and welcome to our Community Forums.

I'm sorry to see we've made a bit of a mess with your first two bills.

I've refunded the overcharge to your bank account now you should receive just before or not long after we take the payment.

I've also re-applied the correct discounts moving forward. Let me know if there are any further issues.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎01-08-2021

Re: Billing confusion

Thanks a lot