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My Circular - Script Access

My Circular - Script Access

My Circular - Script Access

The Script Access feature allows visitors to your website/s to subscribe to your My Circular mailing lists through a simple form.
In the My Circular administration screen select the Script Access tab to reveal a list of your existing mail lists.
If the 'current' column setting for a list is set as 'private' then Script Access is not enabled.
Setting up script access
Once you have chosen the mailing list/s you want to make subscribable from your website:
1. Click the relevant 'Make Public' button/s;
2. An email will be sent to your administration address. This can be changed in the List Manager section of My Circular.
3. Check your mail. You should find that the HTML code you need has been sent to you. This includes the HTML to generate the subscription form and a second form for users to unsubscribe with;
4. Decide which webpages will include the subscription form;
5. Open the HTML file for the page/s in a text editor such as Notepad;
6. Copy and paste the supplied code into the HTML and save it. Ensure you clearly label each form.
7. Upload the page/s to your webspace.
Visitors to your site will now be able to subscribe to your list/s through the form.
After each subscription you will receive a confirmation email. New members will appear in the Contact Manager of My Circular.
Disabling public access
If you no longer want visitors to subscribe through your website you can disable the feature by clicking 'Make Private' from in the Script Access tabbed window.
Any future subscription attempts on your website will be met with an on-screen message informing the would be subscriber that subscription is currently restricted.
To re-enable the feature click 'Make Public' in the Script Access tabbed window.
Note; each time you click on 'Make Public' you will be emailed new HTML code. It is not necessary to edit your HTML any further in this case.

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