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How to Manage Your Additional Usage

How to Manage Your Additional Usage

How to Manage Your Additional Usage

Products, Usage and Default Behaviour

Broadband Family

If you're on a current product (Value, Premium or Pro) you'll have a usage allowance. If you exceed this allowance additional usage will be added in 5GB blocks and you'll be charged an extra £5 per block, until your billing date arrives and your usage is reset.

To control your spending you would need to use Manage My Usage (see below).

Broadband Your Way

If you're on a Broadband Your Way (BBYW) product you have a few more options:

Fixed usage - This allows you to pay for a fixed amount of usage each month (either your usual usage allowance or a pre-set amount in increments of 1GB). If you reach this amount no extra charges will be added but you will be restricted to 128k for the remainder of your billing month.

Flex usage - If you choose flex and use more than your included usage amount extra usage would be added, in 1GB blocks at £1.25 per GB on option 1, £1 per GB for options 2-4, and £1.80 per 2GB block on Pro.

You can combine this option with Manage My Usage (see below).

Legacy Fixed Usage Products

Some older accounts also have a set usage allowance but allow extra usage to be purchased(BB PAYG).

If you're on one of these products and exceed your usage allowance additional usage will be added in 2GB blocks, at a price of £1.80 per block until your billing date arrives and your usage is reset.

To control your spending you would need to use Manage My Usage (see below).

Manage My Usage

Manage My Usage is a tool that allows you to control the amount of additional bandwidth added to your service if you exceed the amount included in your product price.

Additional usage is added in blocks, as you use it. The size of the block depends on your product.

To set a maximum price for additional usage you visit this page in the portal (or go to connection settings, and then click the Manage My Usage icon). If you can't see this page, this is because additional usage charging doesn't apply to your product.

Products, Usage and Default Behaviour
Broadband Family
If you're on a current product (Value, Premium or Pro) you'll have a usage allowance. If you exceed this allowance additional usage will be added in 5GB blocks and you'll be charged an extra £5 per block, until your billing date arrives and your usage is reset.
To control your spending you would need to use Manage My Usage (see below).
Broadband Your Way
If you're on a Broadband Your Way (BBYW) product you have a few more options:
Fixed usage - This allows you to pay for a fixed amount of usage each month (either your usual usage allowance or a pre-set amount in increments of 1GB). If you reach this amount no extra charges will be added but you will be restricted to 128k for the remainder of your billing month.
Flex usage - If you choose flex and use more than your included usage amount extra usage would be added, in 1GB blocks at £1.25 per GB on option 1, £1 per GB for options 2-4, and £1.80 per 2GB block on Pro.
You can combine this option with Manage My Usage (see below).
Legacy Fixed Usage Products
Some older accounts also have a set usage allowance but allow extra usage to be purchased(BB PAYG).
If you're on one of these products and exceed your usage allowance additional usage will be added in 2GB blocks, at a price of £1.80 per block until your billing date arrives and your usage is reset.
To control your spending you would need to use Manage My Usage (see below).
Manage My Usage
Manage My Usage is a tool that allows you to control the amount of additional bandwidth added to your service if you exceed the amount included in your product price.
Additional usage is added in blocks, as you use it. The size of the block depends on your product.
To set a maximum price for additional usage you visit this page in the portal (or go to connection settings, and then click the Manage My Usage icon). If you can't see this page, this is because additional usage charging doesn't apply to your product.
Connection Settings
Once here, you enter the maximum amount you want to spend on additional usage (this does not include your subscription, home phone services, or any other chargeable services).
For example, entering £10 on a Value product will mean that a maximum of two blocks of additional usage will be added, giving you an extra 10GB.
Once you've entered the amount you click continue, and the confirmation page will appear.
Confirmation Screen
You can change or remove the limit set here anytime, by returning to the page and either updating the figure or selecting cancel.
MMU changesIf you'd like to discuss Manage My Usage, or have any questions, feel free to visit the forums.
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