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Nuisance calls

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎16-06-2020

Nuisance calls

This is not aimed at plusnet beacuse this is a problem across all operators but the last few days I've been getting calls from an automated system saying my Internet will be cut off within 24 to 48 hours I know its a scam but its more of annoyance than anything else especially when it's up to 5 times a day

Just wondering what the likes of plusnet, bt, virgin, talktalk etc are doing to stop it and how do they even get your number when your ex directory
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Re: Nuisance calls

I had a similar problem. What I do is answer the phone and if there is a delay in answering I just put the phone down. I had 3 calls and they then stopped.

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Re: Nuisance calls

@alan19800 Because of where these calls originate - usually outside the UK - there is very little if anything that can be done by UK CP/ISPs. The only option you realistically have is to ignore any numbers which you do not recognise (unless you are expecting a call from someone whose number you don't know).

If your phone service is provided by PN, have a look at: THIS article for help.

'They' don't get your number, they merely use an autodialler which rings a block of numbers, in the knowledge that some of the calls will be answered, and some of those who answer will believe it to be a genuine call, although that number of people is falling as more and more realise what is happening.

Personally, although I have Call Protect enabled, I have found that after a while of not answering, these autodialler seem to be able to skip me - i maybe get 1 or 2 calls a month now, down from 10+ a day.



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Registered: ‎16-06-2020

Re: Nuisance calls

Lol funny as I right this my phone rang and it was another one it's quite funny that they don't give up I Just find in annoying but I'm more worried about an older person who may think it's real I am with plusnet for phone so will take a look at that link many thanks
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Re: Nuisance calls

Sadly, it is the older people who are more likely to fall for it, but it has been going on for so long now, even they are getting wise to the scam.

The number of reports on sites such as is falling rapidly, which suggests that the volume of such calls is also falling.

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Re: Nuisance calls


If you go out and buy a new phone fitted with a proper blocker, I recommend one with the BTTrue Call blocker built in, then no automated diallers will get through. I have not had one unwanted call since buying one of these phones many years ago.

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Registered: ‎26-01-2016

Re: Nuisance calls

Hi all, new to the conversation here. I've also been suffering nuisance calls myself for far too long now! Same old [-Censored-] as everyone else, "we've been notified you've had an accident" or "this is BT we are experiencing suspicious activity on your broadband" , it's laughable to think that these people actually do manage to scam some people. I'm not fooled that easily thankfully. I purposely bought a new phone so I could block unwanted callers but the number of calls that I can block has now been reached and so I'm back to square one. I've even got to the stage now where if a scammer does call I'll play along for a few minutes before being extremely verbal and rude to get my revenge. BT already provide a 'Call Protect' feature for free, why don't Plusnet? Surely this should be a free service to all Plusnet customers, the same as with BT? Why do Plusnet see this as an opportunity to profit from our misery? 

I refuse to buy more equipment to block these annoyances, if Plusnet won't give this service for free there's plenty of other phone providers I can switch too.

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Registered: ‎21-07-2016

Re: Nuisance calls

I've just discovered that PN do offer Call Protect but wasn't aware of that and they never told me about that feature. I've just added it to my account but be aware that that particular webpage has a PN design issue so the tick box to add it needs the webpage to be reduced to less than 50% in size which Internet Explorer will do. It has the same problem with at least two other browsers. I would feed this back to PN to be fixed but they don't offer an email address and the Chat line is closed. It's not the same PN I joined a good few years back 🙂

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Re: Nuisance calls



Good news that you discovered it, quite what lead me to believe it was a paid service is beyond me but after you mentioned it I decided to take another look. Bizarrely I've spent the best part of 20 minutes trying to locate the page where you can add this service, it wasn't easy to find and several of the help pages sent me too wrong links! I did encounter the problems you mentioned with the webpage sizing but perhaps you were accessing them on a phone?

Needless to say I have now added the 'Call Protect' feature to my account for FREE!! 😁



Posts: 9
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Registered: ‎21-07-2016

Re: Nuisance calls

Great that you found it. I was using a desktop to view the webpage. I've reported it to the call centre by phone who replied immediately (wow)

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Registered: ‎26-01-2016

Re: Nuisance calls

Same here, I'm using Chrome on Windows 10. Maybe your browser needed updating perhaps?