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Plusnet Full Fibre

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

I’ve been mulling this over for a few days and was just about to pull the trigger when we received a letter saying the rent was going up £35/m. I’m afraid I’ll be staying with fttc, which is still quite good here, until prices drop.  

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

@Clangers wrote:

Decided to stick with what I've got, unless fttp roughly matches current fttc prices then not many will switch. 

Unfortunately FTTP wholesale costs are higher than FTTC wholesale so there is an issue there.

Also several Alt Nets are taking OFCOM to court over how low (in their opinion) Openreach wholesale prices are and they are unhappy that OFCOM allowed the prices to be dropped earlier this year. So matching FTTP to FTTC maybe a dream.

In the short term people can stay where they are but in many areas you have to swap to FTTP if you want a new contract or a new ISP. This will become more common as more areas are given FTTP and stop orders are given for ADSL/FTTC where FTTP is available. With Openreach planning to get 25m properties able to order FTTP by sometime in 2025, FTTP will be the only fixed line technology in only a few years for the bulk of the UK.

Ex - Plusnet Customer (2009 - 2023) now with BT
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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

@Clangers wrote:

Checked my fttp upgrade options with phone contact centre. Bit disappointing to be honest, currently on Unlimited Fibre Extra for 22.49/month with steady download speed of 58MB. My fttp offer was £34/month for 145MB or £27/month for 74MB. Decided to stick with what I've got, unless fttp roughly matches current fttc prices then not many will switch. 

I'm paying 28.99/mth for Unlimited Fibre Extra FTTC (excluding my referral discount) and getting typical download speeds of about 73-74 ish, I'm not interested in anything faster than 74, so I'll be interested when the time comes, what PN offer me for 74 Meg FTTP !  (Don't forget the FTTP doesn't  include (or is even able to include) any phone 'line' !

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

The cost issue is going to be a surprise for a lot of people.

 I left plusnet for a cheaper deal - and managed to get something even cheaper, make that significantly cheaper than i was expecting ( and using the more expensive deal try and haggle with plusnet - which plusnet refused to even come near)


So im now getting 68 down plus unlimited landline/mobile calls for £22/month on FTTC - haven't yet found anything approaching that on FTTP sipgate basic for phone costs £9.95 a month 9.99 meaning i would be looking at FTTP with speeds of around 50 down  for under £12/month ( if not bundled with a voip service)

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

Who is your new provider, please, is it Sipgate? I fancy quite a few of us would like to know.

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

@pint wrote:

So im now getting 68 down plus unlimited landline/mobile calls for £22/month on FTTC - haven't yet found anything approaching that on FTTP sipgate basic for phone costs £9.95 a month 9.99 meaning i would be looking at FTTP with speeds of around 50 down  for under £12/month ( if not bundled with a voip service)

I’m confused, my Sipgate basic phone is free. You just pay for calls.

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

I'm not with sipgate, the £22/month is for FTTC with included calls from the same provider  (Now)

 Sipgate basic is free, but with a package or a bundle that goes upto £9.95/month

So if i was to use a provider like sipgate the get the same deal i would need to find a calls+FTTP deal for £22/momth

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

Ok, with you know. I opted not to take any call package - at 1.5p a minute for landline calls 9.95 is a lot of minutes.
Don’t think we’ve spent more than £3 a month.

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

Not the best experience with the call centre…

Looking for an offer on the 145 service, the advisor was adamant I was on an FTTC service and would need a fibre install. Even quoting an email that said that I took the FTTC service from 7th October 2020 which was an email @Gandalf sent to me starting the landline number porting journey.

So, I was offered Unlimited Fibre Extra for ~£2/month less than my off-contract FTTP trial rate, £31.49/month for 145 (disappointing as BT are offering £30.99/month for this) £36.49/month for 300 (BT £40.99). But still insisting I would need an install.

The FTTC rate was tempting (if permitted), I could live with 74, but my goal was to move up a speed and with the fear of disrupting service I declined to go further.

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre


From what you've written I assume you're on the FTTP Trial and moved your phone number some time ago.


The FTTP Trial is not well known to support staff and, to all intents and purposes, the only place to get support was on the Forum.


A staff member will no doubt come along and get things sorted for you. While @Gandalf is still doing his magic I believe he's off until the 7th.



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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

@Gandalf wrote: 

If you upgrade an existing account to FTTP with us, then you will lose your landline number unless you port it to another provider closing your existing account then create a new account for FTTP. I can’t see any reason why these can’t be done in tandem, ie lining up the port completion date for when the FTTP’s expected to be installed. Obviously if there’s a delay with the fibre order, you’ll have to delay the port or you’ll be without broadband.


Unfortunately none of the VoIP providers I have come across have any mechanism to specify a date when porting out a WLR number, it is just "around 10 working days". Even if the the FTTC->FTTP and WLR->VoIP migrations are supposed to happen on the same day I suspect as there is no Openreach process to handle simultaneous migrations involving more than one provider one would happen before the other during the day, likely breaking the second.


Do Plusnet still allow line rental / WLR to be migrated to another provider when out of contract? (I did this some years ago as a third-party line rental and call charges were significantly less than Plusnet line rental, even after factoring in the not-having-both-broadband-and-phone surcharge).


If so one path which would work without loss of service or phone number would be:

Migrate line rental / WLR only to another provider.

Upgrade Plusnet FTTC to Plusnet FTTP, this would cease the FTTC broadband only.

Port phone number to a VoIP service, this would cease the copper line rental / WLR with the other provider.

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

Sipgate allowed me to specify a date on the transfer form which PN agreed to and the transfer took place on the date specified.
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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

Even if the the FTTC->FTTP and WLR->VoIP migrations are supposed to happen on the same day I suspect as there is no Openreach process to handle simultaneous migrations involving more than one provider one would happen before the other during the day, likely breaking the second.

Just placing the wlr>voip order  is going to generate a future cease for the landline and fttc and thus probably kill any fttc>fttp order

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

This is why you have to have a working FTTP service before porting a phone number to Voip. It will cancel the phone line but leave the FTTP intact.  So if you are on ADSL or FTTC until Plusnet allow new FTTP accounts no upgrade is possible without losing the phone number

@tdw42  Plusnet only allow combined Broadband and phone accounts now,  (Apart from the FTTP trial which is a special case) so you can't switch to a different phone provider.

Edit The new FTTP service in it's current state is a data only service, no phone service provided, will this change in the future.🙄

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

I know that new Plusnet connections are broadband and phone, but if people have not recontracted since this was introduced there will still be some broadband-only with line rental from a third party.

Permitting line rental migration out so customers can then migrate from FTTC to FTTP would be a simple solution.