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Bridge-tap on my line

Posts: 66
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Registered: ‎09-01-2017

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

I'm going to remove the master socket cover and use the test socket, and have a kbd test rerun. I do not own a phone to test if this works or not. Thanks ejs for your input.

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Re: Bridge-tap on my line

There may not be other DEVICES connected but are there wires?  If there are extensions not in use but connected before the filter they will cause at least as much trouble as if they were in use.


As other people have said, plugging your router into the test socket behind the faceplate should disconnect any other wiring in your house.  If the problem persists it's without your control, if it goes away it's something on your property.

Posts: 66
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Registered: ‎09-01-2017

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

Thanks ThePillenwerfer I'm goingt o test tonight, then have PN run another KBD test.

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Re: Bridge-tap on my line



This may or may not be applicable, but then I purchased my current property, there was a cable, from the entry point to the house, which then went into the property terminated by a floating socket, next door to the Sky satellite cable.

OR removed said cable as he said it could pick up interference and affect the at the time adsl service (not from PN I hasten to add)

He also said the bell wires could cause issues, removed them, and remade the manky connections in the external connection point.

AFAIK I now have two wires to the master box, no extra sockets etc, and I extended the circuit to my office with a CW1308 cable terminated by RJ11 connectors to the modem. The phone connects to the master box.



Posts: 66
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Registered: ‎09-01-2017

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

Again, thanks for the input.
So I got home, did as promised and removed the cover to the test socket on the master socket. I let it run a little while and test the other sockets on the chain with an anologue phone borrow from work. Only just got off the phone.. They ran another gea test which came back with still another bridge-tap on the line. It has been esculated, but I feel I'm going to keep going round in circles with this. My line suffers from bad lagg and some packet loss.
Not applicable

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

@royleestoves, as you have latency and packet loss issues, are you able to setup a ThinkBroadband Broadband Quality Monitor  to get a visual representation of what is going on ?

If you post the resulting graphs here, then we'd be able to comment on anything showing as unusual.

Posts: 66
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Registered: ‎09-01-2017

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

Happy to try.

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎09-01-2018

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

When you had your router plugged into the Test Jack none of the other 'phone sockets should have worked; you didn't say if they did or not.  If they did function they haven't been installed correctly and they are probably the cause of your trouble.

Posts: 66
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Registered: ‎09-01-2017

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

Dead, nothing on the other sockets with phone connected at all.

Rising Star
Posts: 52
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Registered: ‎09-01-2018

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

That would definitely seem to suggest that the problem is outside your house so good luck getting it fixed.

Posts: 66
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Registered: ‎09-01-2017

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

Thanks, and thanks for the input. Just running the check for Broadbandqualitymonitor now.

Posts: 66
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Registered: ‎09-01-2017

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

This is so far.. doesn't really make sense as its also working

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Re: Bridge-tap on my line

Your router does not respond to pings, so that looks as it should. You need to put a non responsive pingable device in the DMZ - I used a Blu Ray player that was on my network. Or get a router that can respond to pings.

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Re: Bridge-tap on my line

A bridge tap was picked up on my line by PN last time I was a customer, during a unrelated fault. I spoke to the OR engineer that came out and he investigated. My main socket was in the lounge, OR engineer suggested that was not it's original location. A visit outside to trace the wire entry from the pole found that the socket was originally on the front wall of the house. A bad connection was present from the socket being moved. New connection made and bridge tap gone (didn't solve my original problem though, that turned out to be Skys equipment at their backend!)

Posts: 66
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Registered: ‎09-01-2017

Re: Bridge-tap on my line

Thanks Mark. If I cannot get the engineer out I stand no chance at getting this sorted..

Joe did you managed to find out it was sky backend btw?