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cgi form email script not working (404)

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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

OK: a development ....
I got fed up with spending time trying to get Matt's Formmail script working in my own Plus CGI space. I just kept getting an uninformative message declaring a server error.
So after a bit of investigation I have found an external solution which is free-of-charge for low usage (up to 10 forms) or £10/yr for more.
If you are interested, email me at kenneth at kaspencer dot com, and I'll pass the information on. I haven't given details here, because like Plus, they have a referral programme - the rewards are minimal but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
You only need to prepare your form handler online (dead easy) and point your web form to it.
All the best
Community Gaffer
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

Quote from: Townman
Have I become totally confused here?  I thought these scripts (notably Matt's form mail) had been taken down as they were viewed as being insecure?  If this is the case is it unwise allowing / suggesting / recommending that individuals who have cgi space host this service there?

The immediate concern at the time was the Shellshock vulnerability. This has since been patched and the exploit fixed but it's put a spotlight on these scripts, not least the fact that most of them are over a decade old and are no longer maintained. Exploits come along all the time, and running centralised scripts like this puts us at a disadvantage when they do. If people want to mimic the scripts on their own individual areas of CGI webspace then the onus on security switches to the user, so it becomes less of a concern for us.
Quote from: Bob
It's not looking like we're going to be in a position to re-factor/engineer the scripts without scheduling some time on our roadmap. To do this requires a certain degree of justification, and at present I'm led to believe that there are ~60 people making use of these scripts so I've a suspicion I'm going to struggle Sad
I'm waiting on more precise figures, which we can then use to weigh up our options.

Now I have these figures, I can say with certainty that these scripts aren't going to be switched back on. I'm sorry folks Sad
Quote from: Bob
It's looking like it's boiling down to either providing customers an alternative hosting environment (we've only really the CGI platform, which wouldn't be without problems) or suggesting some third party alternatives (suggestions welcomed).

So, if you're left looking for a replacement, then you've a few options.
1. If you have access to the CGI platform, then you can try installing an equivalent script yourself. The perl scripts our solutions were originally based on can be found here, however you need to be mindful that these scripts are very dated and no longer maintained. The author advises you to use the alternatives here but even this second repository of scripts looks to be dated Undecided
2. You can try and find an online form/counter/guestbook creation tool. Assuming you're not wanting to pay for the privilege, this will probably involve some degree of advertising. I/Plusnet can't vouch for the validity/performance/security of any of the following, however a quick Google search returns the following:
3. There are some pretty nifty website builders available these days, many of which will have support for the authoring of contact forms, counters, guest books and the like. Two reputable options (which I can personally recommend) are Wix and Weebly. You might want to take a look at them?
On a final note, sorry again for the poor communication surrounding this issue, it's proved very troublesome trying to map script usage back to specific accounts, which would have allowed us to notify people.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

So why are both details for forms and counters still on the portal if they cannot be used.
Community Gaffer
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

There's a job open with our web developers to remove the support content (WDO-184). I'll give them a nudge and see where they're at with it.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

Thanks Bob. Also help please, I look after two other sites and I use WYSIWYG as my web programme. These two plus mine, which I use to test, had the web counter on which of course has now ceased. WYSIWYG has both php and  html designs but neither work with F9. I do notice on my account I have cgi but unable to gain access to it as I do not know my password. I have followed the instructions to request a password reset over the last 4 days with my e-mail address but not received anything so far. St Mark Mosborough also has cgi but no details have been received regarding login Larwood Physio has not got cgi. The first 2 are with F9 the last is with PN and all are hosted on PN. Help please and any details direct to myself. Thanks.
Community Gaffer
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

Use the forgotten password hyperlink here. When prompted for your username, enter your CGI website address, e.g. '' (minus quotes). If you're still not having any joy then let me know and I'll reset the password at this side for you.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

Thanks Bob. However in simplistic terms when you are asked to input your e-mail address that is what you do, so tried to login after password reset with "" being e-mail with no luck even though I had changed my password. So I put in "", which is not my e-mail as it states and my new password and was able to access the site. What about php and WYSIWYG please.
Community Gaffer
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking? PHP execution is allowed on the CGI platform.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

OK php is allowed so I tried using php counter in WYSIWYG, I input a php counter then uploaded to my web space but it does not work.
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

Have you uploaded it to your cgi webspace or the normal www webspace?
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

Resting Legend
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

The site needs to be on the ccgi server for PHP to work. The home page will then be accessed as
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

Hi spraxyt.
Sorry I do not fully follow, maybe being a senior and not really understanding or not understanding the site instructions under the CGI Webspace information on the portal. When I log into the ccgi I can only change my username to my email not to my account username,
Scanning publish folder...
Found 5 file(s).
Initializing FTP connection...
Checking host...
Host was successfully parsed.
Connecting to
Using PASV mode.
Internet Exception Error 12014
The password was not allowed
Closing FTP connection...
Removing temporary files...
Publish failed!
So which account password should it be, is the remote folder still /htdocs/
Resting Legend
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

To FTP to the ccgi server hostname is
For usernane you need to use  (with username substituted, of course).
Password should be the one you used to login to the ccgi hosting control panel at
The remote directory on that server needs to be /public
That directory currently contains a dummy index.php file that says you haven't uploaded anything yet. The site homepage file you "publish" needs to be called index.php. On the Homepages server this is index.html though because you are using for browser access that index.html is actually in the domain_name subfolder.
You can view the dummy index.php by browsing to (or
I assume you will require your www.domain_name to move from homepages to ccgi but getting Plusnet to arrange that is down the line for the moment.
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Re: cgi form email script not working (404)

Thanks David
And all this just to have a web counter, force9 you make it hard work.