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Monitoring Throughput

Posts: 41
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Registered: ‎06-12-2019

Monitoring Throughput

Can Plusnet confirm the existing availability of Plusnet / BT / Openreach / other approved provider hosted test file or files which are acceptable to use in conjunction with third party automated software tools for the purpose of monitoring throughput of broadband connections on an ongoing basis, and if not, when such a facility will be available.

Many users would find that useful. An example being here.

It would enable such tools to provide more meaningful output by accessing only an approved download or downloads from an approved source or sources in an approved manner and thus eliminating issues arising where that is not the case which is beneficial to both Plusnet in terms of providing support and eliminating issues not within their remit or responsibility, and the end user in ascertaining where an issue lies before contacting support in the first instance.

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Re: Monitoring Throughput

Good luck with this. I'm sceptical that Plusnet will have the time or inclination to bother, and will probably argue that their current internal toolset is more than up to the job.

It does makes sense however, much sense - though i'm cynical enough to expect nothing. (I'm sufficiently jaded to suggest we can put any broadband supplier's name into the frame here, not just PN.)

By far the biggest problem I experienced was the blame-game between Plusnet (my contract provider) and BTWholesale (Plusnet's contract provider and hence not mine). It became my job to convince BTw that I what I experienced was real, mainly because everyone was trotting out the old 'sync speed is good' red herring.

My saviour? The sheer luck of getting an engineer (third visit) willing to accept that repeating the same basic tests was pointless, and also willing to get on the phone to base 'because his brother had been on a hot VLAN and this looks similar'. At the time I was gobsmacked that such an obvious answer was dismissed by personnel at both Plusnet and BTw. It ended up costing someone a lot of wasted engineer visits. Let's not talk about the money I was losing as a self-employed person, shall we?

Posts: 41
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Registered: ‎06-12-2019

Re: Monitoring Throughput

Thanks @DocDelete

I'm sure you and I understand each other. All us end users really want from any Internet Service Provider is an accepted and official means of verifying independently throughput if wished or need arises when an issue is suspected and some method of firmly establishing that is required.

There are of course incentives and arguments for which I've made some of, and arguments and counter incentives against, of assorted and various different kinds.

As far as I could find, and I'm always happy to be corrected, this issue has not before been raised in this way. I've never been a particular advocate of such tools for a variety of reasons some of which I've made, but they would be of more value if a verified accepted and official hosted test file or files were available.

If nothing else, I am sure someone from Plusnet will provide a useful clarification of what the position is.

Posts: 41
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Registered: ‎06-12-2019

Re: Monitoring Throughput

Just a quick follow up:

At least one UK Internet Service Provider offers via thier website their own hosted speed test files for the stated purpose of diagnosing connection issues in 5 Mb, 10 Mb, 20 Mb, 50 Mb, 100 Mb, 200 Mb, 512 Mb and 1024 Mb / 1 GB sizes for independent direct http download and via ftp either with tools providing statistical and graphical output or within browser or other means. These files are made of random data, and offered as zip files.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Monitoring Throughput

Hi @JJM As far as I'm aware there's no officially approved software you'd be able to use to monitor your connection however the ThinkBroadband Quality Monitor Here allows you to do this, and the BT Speed tester Here allows you to test your throughput and submit the results to us which we'd be able to check from testing your line.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 41
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Registered: ‎06-12-2019

Re: Monitoring Throughput

Thanks @Gandalf

Unfortunately your response does not address the issues raised.

The issue is officially supported test downloads, not software.

Thinkbroadband provides test downloads here.
As these are not from any ISP, any ISP can invalidate and dismiss results if they wish as outside their responsibility or remit.

Vodaphone provides test files for their users as previously mentioned here:
Vodaphone users thereby eliminate issues using downloads from other than Vodaphone invalidating the result.

Where is the Plusnet equivalent for Plusnet users of what Vodaphone offers for it's users, and if not currently available, when will it be available, and if there are no plans to make available, why not.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Monitoring Throughput

Thanks for getting back to us @JJM 

I'm afraid that we don't have anything like that and I'm not aware of any plans to.

If you have a problem with your connection then a simple speed test on a wired connection with no other devices using the internet in the background will suffice for us

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 41
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Registered: ‎06-12-2019

Re: Monitoring Throughput

Thanks @Gandalf

Just to be thorough, is there anything official from BT Wholesale or Openreach?

Community Gaffer
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Re: Monitoring Throughput

No problem @JJM and not that I'm aware of.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Monitoring Throughput


The Samknows white box has been around for years, over that time acquiring a considerable measure of authority. However it is an indicator of performance not an official diagnostic tool

There are no doubt many other posts but from October 2017 is an example topic.

Clearly this is using Samknows files not official Plusnet ones. I wouldn't expect Plusnet to provide them.

Posts: 41
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Registered: ‎06-12-2019

Re: Monitoring Throughput

Thanks @Gandalf

Just to be thorough, could you make enquiries with BT Wholesale and Openreach to find out for sure, and as before, if it's not currently available, when will it be available, and if there are no plans to make available, why not, whilst pointing out that Vodaphone do it for their users, and that it obviously complement and not replace the existing test that has an entirely different purpose here.

Posts: 41
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Registered: ‎06-12-2019

Re: Monitoring Throughput

Thanks @spraxyt

I wouldn't expect an official source not to be available from Plusnet, BT Wholesale, or Openreach for the reasons already outlined since it could be straightforwardly and simplistically done and no reason has yet been offered why it either cannot or will not be done, and Vodafone do it.

Samknows Whitebox is entirely different. It is hardware many will not want to install for a variety of reasons. It is hardware many that may want will not be able to obtain, unavailable for free on the SamKnows volunteer program to anyone that does not meet the sample requirements. It is hardware unavailable to purchase as well as far as I could determine, happy to be corrected, I might purchase one, if I don't meet the sample requirements. Relatively few may want to convert an existing router with the relevant firmware.

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Re: Monitoring Throughput

@JJM wrote:

Thanks @spraxyt

I wouldn't expect an official source not to be available from Plusnet, BT Wholesale, or Openreach for the reasons already outlined since it could be straightforwardly and simplistically done and no reason has yet been offered why it either cannot or will not be done, and Vodafone do it.

I guess we take a different view on this - Plusnet, BTw and Openreach have existing test methods and adding alternative ones for a small number of customers is likely not seen as cost-effective.

But this is a business decision the three companies have to make. Vodafone have fewer customers.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Monitoring Throughput

Thanks for getting back to us @JJM 

Unfortunately this is something that’d be difficult to find any further information about from our suppliers as the support teams we contact don’t deal with this, they’re here for service affecting issues such as live orders and faults.

What you’re asking is a business related decision and even if we could find out, I’d be surprised if we’d be in a position to share any plans.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 41
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Registered: ‎06-12-2019

Re: Monitoring Throughput

Thanks @spraxyt

When @Gandalf receives an official response from BT, BT Wholesale and Openreach and feeds that back on here we shall all be informed accordingly and can proceed from there.

But to briefly address your points since you've taken the trouble to make them and I appreciate your input, and this is a discussion, not an argument:

The existing known testing methods are not the same and this is not an alternative to those.

The hosting, file sizes and traffic are trivial for the Internet giants of Plusnet, BT, BT Wholesale, and Openreach with vast technological and financial resources. Compared to the data handled routinely and mitigation measures implementable to prevent any abuse, it may only barely register if at all given the apparent few that would supposedly use it.

Staff to implement this if it does not already exist are going to be paid regardless. We all know the effort to put a few files on a server and provide the links is minimal at most.

The cost effectiveness argument looks like a fallacy.

The Vodafone have fewer customers argument also looks like a fallacy, they can and do offer it and obviously see a purpose and point and value in doing so, there is no apparent reason as non has yet been given why the aforementioned larger more capable giants with more customers cannot.