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Random DSL dropouts over 4 months, no solution.

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Re: Random DSL dropouts over 4 months, no solution.

What are your thoughts on the minimal amount of crc errors showing RF interference unlikely?
Posts: 14
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Registered: ‎04-08-2012

Re: Random DSL dropouts over 4 months, no solution.

So I had a similar intermittent problem to you and eventually it was resolved by an Openreach Broadband Engineer who figured out that the problem was with the green FTTC cabinet equipment (not the wiring)...he changed me to a different 'port' in the cabinet and my problem was resolved.

I believe that at the green FTTC cabinet, Sky also uses Openreach's equipment to first make your connection, before it is then handed off to Sky's own equipment at your local exchange. Consequently, when you moved ISP, the problem moved with you.

If you can get another Openreach visit from a Broadband engineer, I would suggest that you get them to try changing your 'port' on the equipment in the green cabinet.

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Re: Random DSL dropouts over 4 months, no solution.

Already been tried, they call it a lift and shift where my connection is moved to another port. I have another Openreach engineer out tomorrow as Plusnet are going through their box ticking exercise. When I’ll call them on Tuesday letting them know I still have the problem I was told they will be looking in to getting a Rein and Shine engineer out to my property. 

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Re: Random DSL dropouts over 4 months, no solution.

This is far more than "box ticking" - in circumstances such as this: repeated sync drips with not fault found due to the "usual" causes; IIRC as mandated by BT Openreach, there has to be three engineer visits before BT Openreach will entertain a SHINE / REIN investigation.  It is very positive that this is being considered.

If you are fairly smart with excel, exporting the router log and filtering the log on the resync event will give you some baseline data of how often this happens and when.  Correlation of when (day to day) might be helpful.

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Re: Random DSL dropouts over 4 months, no solution.

Attached are the last 15 days of dropouts, as you can see they are totally random with no pattern whatsoever. As I have mentioned before the last Openreach engineer said he’s not seeing extreme cnc errors denoting a possible RF interference issue. On Saturday Plusnet could see a fault on the line, if this is the case surely it can’t be an RF issue as an interference issue wouldn’t show up as a fault. 


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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Random DSL dropouts over 4 months, no solution.

Things are never simple if there are marginal joints.

A key point not confirmed but assumed given you are customer - is this a SOGEA service? That is FTTC without a phone service (regardless of it not being used)?

Marginal joints can “heal” due to ring or test voltage being applied to the line, thereby a marginal fault can disappear on testing. Some marginal faults can cause DSL to drop when a call is placed on a line. Marginal faults can make a circuit more susceptible to RFI.

The fact that a fault has now been detected is a positive step forward. What now needs to happen is for all the joints on your D-Side to be remade or a D-side swap to be found.

I take it that FTTP is not yet available to your location?

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 20
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Registered: 2 weeks ago

Re: Random DSL dropouts over 4 months, no solution.

Yes I am FTTC with no phone service, my village has yet to have installed FTTP, although it’s in Openreach’s plans. Saying this UPP had installed fibre cable to some BT posts around the village, but when the Ukraine war kicked off the company was sold to Virgin as the owner was Russian who was part of the sanctions. Not sure if Virgin have any intention of coming back soon. Getting info regarding future fibre installation from either Openreach or Virgin is practically impossible.
I will show the engineer this afternoon your message, see what they say.