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Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎21-11-2009

Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

I had a clean 8Mbps service with Nildram but migrated here based on a good intro offer, cheaper price, and solid ratings on  I steered my girlfriend here too from her Orange broadband, so that's two accounts looking like a very very bad choice indeed.
It's become active tonight, and it's now worse than dialup in pratical use.  Speed testing shows 0.1Mbps down and 0.3Mbps upstream.  Less than a day ago I was hauling data from my usual US news server at 830K/sec, as normal.  And now I get, oh let's see... 6K/sec.  Page loads of this forum on Plusnet's own network are taking 2minutes!
Right now it's about 02:00, so hardly any excuse about peak hours can be given.  And to be honest, I never had any peak hours nonsense with Nildram, so I can't really accept that anyway.
I opened a support ticket several hours ago, but it's as yet untouched.  I have grave fears that I've shot myself in the foot here, and given that this connection is used for business admin work during the day, I might have just crippled my main company (a web retail business) too.
Can somebody reassure me that something can be done to fix this?  I'm kind of panicking here.
I can't believe I was so stupid that I went on the review ratings on rather than spend a half hour reading these forums.
And while I'm typing, in the worst case scenario, is it possible to reverse a migration?  Because if this is genuinely the state of play I need to get out of here as fast as possible.
Please, somebody tell me this isn't Plusnet's usual at the moment.
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Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

Hi there mate,warm welcome to plusnet,dont let the forums give you negative vibes,ive been with plusnet a few months and only now is there being some issues that are may i add being looked into and some are even resolved,from my understanding there still some issues being worked on at the moment.
Checkout the service status at the foot of the plusnets homepage to get an idea at whats been happening here,im sure you have nothing to worry about at the moment but im just a customer so dont hold me too that.
Sleep easy and im sure a member of plusnet staff will get round to chatting to you on here,or indeed some other forum members can back me up.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎21-11-2009

Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

Ta for that squire.  Smiley
I gave up waiting and phoned in instead.  Helpful chap had a look at account settings, changed the profile speed which apparently was much higher than the exchange's set speed for the line, and reckons as it's a fresh line speed re-train having moved to new hardware at the exchange, that it should stabilise itself.   Well, already by miserable few K of usenet transfer has upped to 25K/sec, so you could say that's a 300% improvement...  😛
I've migrated ISP before and it all worked exactly the same right away, BUT it's quite possible the old and new accounts were still on the same public exchange hardware - this now I think is Plusnet's LLU hardware.  We'll see how the retrain goes over the next day and I'll post.  If there's joy then the story might give reassurance to anyone in the same boat.  If there's no joy then I'll still be crying into my coffee and looking for a There There slap on the back...
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Registered: ‎13-07-2009

Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

Yeah well hopefully you will be sorted in no time at all,and your welcome,i in my opinion really like plusnets customer services and support here on the forums is fantastic,alot of nice,friendly people willing to help,stick around and you will get to know whats happening and join in too,although at this hour everyones probably in lullabye land Smiley
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

PlusNet are not a LLU supplier, they use plain ADSL or if you are on the correct package (not value) ADSL2, if you came from LLU, that is why your speed dropped and you are in the 10 day training period
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Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

It might be worth mentioning that contrary to what one might think 2AM is a very busy time on Plusnet since overnight usage (midnight to 8AM) is unmetered (not counted against ones data-transfer allowance). Mega-P2P downloads are traditionally saved for the overnight period.
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re:Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I"ve been a tool

Hi there,
You're now on an 18000 profile, so things should have improved somewhat for you. Smiley
BTW, if you still want that switch to Pro I can sort that for you soon as?
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎21-11-2009

Re:Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I"ve been a tool

Hello Mand,
Well I was told by phone that it wouldn't be effective until the next billing date - the 21st Dec.  As I said, I'm quite happy to pay for the Pro package, but surely a manual switch, right away, must be possible rather than wait for the automated switch?  If you can indeed sort that, then yes please, soon as you can please!
I should point out to anyone wondring why I didn't choose Pro at the outset - There's a fail from me there - I only saw the choice of  Value and Premium packages when I came to sign up, missed the little "Pro" banner or I'd sure as heck have taken that!  Doh.
Performance report now is that web pages tend to be good and quick, including (and most importantly) during the day when the connection's used for SOHO.  Large file downloads come and go, but have sometimes improved to about 40-60K during the day.  Overnights can see 700K+ from the US based news server which previously tipped 960K, and even bursts of 250K or so have also been seen briefly during the day.  I'd say it's currently, as I type, perfectly workable, just not as it was before migrating.  I haven't tried gaming at all yet, too busy with work just now so I can't comment on that type of traffic.  In summary, I am no longer fouling my undwear with fear that I've broken a perfectly good net connection! 😛
So, anyway, yes please, Pro as soon as possible pelase.  Do you want me to add a request to the support ticket?
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎21-11-2009

Re:Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I"ve been a tool

Quote from: Wedji

[Moderator's note by Adie (Adiewoo):  Full quote of preceding post removed, as per Forum Rules ]

What an excellent use of your time.
You could've just said.  I've come here for support, reassurance and ultimately retention for Plusnet.  Recommend a little think about when it's appropriate to poke someody with a stick, mister.
I'll just stick to support tickets.
Ta to everyone else who's posted, all very much appreciated.
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Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

Hi Wedji,
Moderators have no direct affiliation with Plusnet or the CSC.  We're just normal customers like yourselves who volunteer time to keep the forum running as per the link:rules
We do have an unusual rule about quoting the previous post, which is generally dealt with by a quick edit and a note being appended to your post, as has happened in this case.  Rest assured that we're not PN staff, whose time is much better spent dealing with problems that customers encounter!
Posts: 1,852
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

Hi Wedji
Welcome to Plusnet and the forums.
As you spend time round these parts you'll soon discover that Mand is one of our resident guru's and capable of sorting almost anything. I've even seen her work the occasional miracle Smiley
I hope as things stabalise and the product change occurs you'll realise that far from being the thing you describe in the thread title you'll see that you made a good choice.
The moderators round here, as Bary has said, are all customers. They are good guys and give their time freely to keep this place tidy and they offer an incredible amount of unrewarded support to fellow customers. They arent ogres and will be there for you to help and support if you need them.
We do have a couple of rules which arent familiar on some boards but all for good reason. You'll find this a superb community and I really hope you stick around and join in the crack.
Shout if you need us.
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Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

Hi Wedji...At the end of next week, when everything is running better than the start of this week,  Roll_eyes nip down to General Chit Chat, if you have some time. and have a bit of fun.... then you will know you made a good choice.....  been here a couple of years..... made a few moaning posts,.... been banned (once...... so far)    but  I am still around.. :D...  The guys on here are really helpful,..... plusnet has had a few "issues" with the network over the past 3 weeks, or so. and are just getting things sorted. and running properly again. 
Have a nice day, and enjoy Plusnet Wink
Posts: 68
Registered: ‎05-11-2009

Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

Hi Wedji,
I migrated in to PN Pro + Max Package (832kbps upstream) from IDNETs Home SuperMax package (£34.25)  nearly 2 weeks ago, which on paper look the exact same in stats. (apart from idnets 60gb usage to PNs 20gb) Yet i'm saving around £8 a month! (every little helps Smiley
I'm a gamer mainly and don't regret switching at all, peak time gaming has never been so good since moving. There have been a few issues I can't lie, but the support you get here is second to none, and I've recommend PN to alot of friends purely on that basis. People know what they are talking about here. I actually moved to O2 for about a week after IDNET but they were absolutely shocking so try to block them from my memory!
I aswell didn't notice the Pro package when signing up, found it through reading these forums, also there is an option to upgrade further for around £8 to get double Upload speed and I think a better contention ratio? (20:1) If im correct. Might want to look into that aswell.
Good luck, im sure you've made the right choice.
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎21-11-2009

Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

Ta very much for the encouragement there folks!  Blimey.  Never seen such a community spirit as this in my decade and a half of internettage.
Here we are ten days down the line then, and here's how it all stands;
Things have settled down with the exchange connection to a base connection of over 10Mb/350K but HTTP is still weak in practice at "peak" times, particularly to Easynews, my long used favourite Usenet service.  The bottleneck has to be PN, because the same exact download carried out at the same time just two doors away via BT Internet zooms down as it always used to.  That said, multiple connections are pulling me 70-80K/sec (total) as I type, at 10pm - much better than last week.
Simple HTTP  traffic for web pages is thankfully perfectly useable, even at peak time, so SOHO business use during the day (lots of web-based admin access stuff) isn't struggling as it was initially (and causing much alarm, panic, frothing, and flappy-arms-waving - see first post and indeed thread title for demonstration of the white-faced terror)
I'm still being told on the support ticket for this that the account traffic package can't be changed until the billing date.  Seriously?  Computer Says No?  C'mon, surely not.  You're not steam-powered.
Any staff reading - so there's no way to change a service package's *actual* provision except at the golden billing date?  Hey, I appreciate the billing cycle is monthly, but surely to heck a human can change the provision package outside of the billing droid system?  Please?  And by all means apply a balancing charge to the account of course.  Like I said, I'm not looking for ANYTHING for nothing here, I just want good service provision, whatever it takes.  Somebody need a brown envelope of cash?  Cool  Wink
To buy favour, I'm adding a pic of girlfriend's new kitten.  How could any PN staff possibly look at this little fluffball and not have their heart melted into flickin that provision package switch right away?  Come onnnn.  For the kitten.
Posts: 1,852
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Request for any reassurance - just migrated in and I think I've been a tool

Somebody need a brown envelope of cash?

The kitten piccy is ample bribery Smiley
Love the approach Wedji.
If I have understood the request correctly you want to switch product type, am I correct?
If so, I imagine that with bribery of that standard one of the Comms guys just might be able to work some magic for you. I can't because i'm at home with no VPN fob to access our systems, however the guru's should be able to wave a wand in the morning when they see this.