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How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

They always tell us to allow 24 hours, but I'll give it a check now as it can often be a lot quicker Smiley
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

It's not changed yet, Dave. I'll check again in the morning. Smiley
Rising Star
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

OK. I can resync my router remotely from work, so I will give it a go as soon as we think the target snrm has been reset.
I had hoped that the loss of sync today was due to the snrm being reset, but obviously not Sad
If or when the BT engineer files his report, he needs to be made aware that he has actually made things worse rather than better, I don't want him thinking that it's all sorted.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Hi Dave,
Give me a nudge in the morning just to remind me.
Jojo Smiley
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Hi JoJo,
Nudge Nudge Smiley
i have just rebooted the router but still 9
I also noticed >300 CRC Errors Huh - I think this new line has bigger issues than my old line Sad
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Hi Dave,
Still can't see any change here either. I'll have to give it the 24 hours so will check later and take some advice on whether to do it again.
Jojo Smiley
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Hi JoJo,
Another Nudge as requested....
Just tried rebooting router, stil <10Mbps sync, 35dBi Atten and 9dBi SNRM Sad
[Was >14Mbps sync, 31dBi Atten, 3-6dBi SNRM & 12.1Mbps download speed]
Has the BT engineer filed his report yet Huh
We need to get him to undo whatever change he made as I am now 33% worse off than I was last October Sad
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Hi Dave,
Looking at your connections from the time I placed the reset we had a number of disconnections. Now, for all I know the SNR may have gone down, couldn't cope with it and went back up. I don't want to mess around with things too much, as there's already quite a lengthy fault investigation. I think we should wait and see what the faults team find out at this point before tinkering anymore.
Jojo Smiley
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

OK, I have added the following summery comment here and to the ticket, as they don't always seem to read more than the current post Sad
OK, well, as previously mentioned, the first weekend glitches / dropouts occurred the weekend before I was upgraded to 21CN.
I think my exchange was actually only upgraded to 21CN at that time or possibly just before my first dropout occurred.
So, once on 21CN I initially synced at approx 12Mbps, which then rose to 14Mbps by 5th Oct and stayed there until sometime after 16th Nov, during which time I could download at 12.1Mbps, my SNRM was either 3 or 6dBi and my attenuation was 31dBi. I still did suffer from the occasional weekend glitch during this period.
Approx one weekend in 4, from when my exchange was upgraded, I would experience either a loss of connection or a freezing of my connection. This would normally last until exactly 7pm at night at which point it would then be OK again and I would then be able to download at 12Mbps again.
During the “freezings” if I tried to do a speed test (My Broadband) the needle would scream up to 12.1Mbps and stay there until suddenly the Orange bar at the bottom of the screen would pause or freeze about ½ way across and the rev counter would fall back towards zero, then it would start moving again and the rev counter returned to 12.1, this start / stop “freezing” may occur once, twice or several times during the test.
Since 26th Nov after a Weekend of problems I have not able to sync at more than 12Mbps and over the past few months this had dropped still further to only 10.5Mbps. At the same time my attenuation had increased from 31 to 33dBi.
However, after the BT engineer swapped the pair between my cabinet and the exchange last Friday, things have got considerably worse. I can now only sync at 9.7Mbps, my Atten has risen to 35dBi and my target SNRM has jumped to 9dBi.

Value              Previous      Current
Sync              14.414          9.7          Mbps
Attenuation    31                  35            dBi
SNRM            3-6                9              dBi
D/L Speed      12.1              8.5          Mbps

This represents a 33% drop in performance since October and November 2011 and I am not at all happy !
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Thanks for that, though given what you've said I think I'll echo Jojo's comments and recommend that we wait and see what the faults team suggest.
Rising Star
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Well I have received a reply to my ticket which suggests PN are going to reset my line, but I'm not happy with their comment that I am currently staying connected, we know that, I have lost track of how many times I have said that the dropouts only occur intermittently,approx once a month, so I do not think they have actually read my case history very carefully, if at all.
Also they made no mention of the fact that the service has degraded by some 33% since October !
Anyhow, I will restart the router when I get home in 4 hours as instructed and we will see... but how just resetting the line will correct the 4dbI increase in attenuation, I am at a loss to understand, as that will require me to be put back on a good pair like I was on last October surely Huh
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Well I did as instructed at about 17:30, but saw absolutely no change.
I restarted it again at 18:30 just in case, but still only syncing at 9,727,058bps, SNRM is 8 and Atten is still a very high35dBi.
As expected just resetting the line without correcting the faults first, has made absolutely no improvement, I am also very disappointed that the PN tech support guy though otherwise ?
So another week wasted and still no further forward, in fact each time PN/BT try to correct the fault, things just get worse, I wish I had never reported the fault, I might still be syncing at 14Mbps instead on 9Mbps.
EDIT - still no change at 20:15
Rising Star
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

09:45 Friday morning and just tried a 3rd reset, just in case, still no improvement.
I have attached a graph which shows how the speed has dropped since BT swapped the line (where it drops below the greem line at the right)
I have also included 2x DMT printouts from my old Voyager router, I can't say I understand them, but they may throw some light on wht it has dropped so much.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Hi David,
I've raised a new fault with our suppliers and contacted them to have the profile changed. This should lift the restriction that has been placed on your sync rate. They say the change will take 2 hours to take effect. I'll test it again in a bit but if you could also keep an eye on your sync rate to see if it goes over the 9726 I'm seeing at the moment.
Jojo Smiley
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 9,786
Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: How do you get PN to actually do something ?

Hi David,
The banding has now been removed and your line is syncing at 12664. I have changed your profile to 11100 to allow for you new profile. This should take effect shortly. I can see that there are a number of errors on the line. Are you still in the test socket?
Jojo Smiley