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cgi form email script

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Registered: ‎07-09-2007

cgi form email script

For many years, I used a from mail script for my local village website.  The last time I needed to use it was two years ago.  I am now involved in organising a village tea party to celebrate HM The Queen's 90th birthday in June, and I have just set up a form mail as usual to enable volunteers to register with me to help on the day. But unfortunately, when it went live, I got an unexpected "HTTP 404 error" when I submitted the test form.  Has something changed in the last two years which means that this old script no longer works ?  I am not an expert on scripts and just copy and paste !

The code (truncated) I have used is :

"<form method="post" action=""><div>

<input type=hidden name="recipient" value="">

<font size="5" face="times new roman">

<P>Names</p> <p><TEXTAREA name=Names: rows=6 cols=80></TEXTAREA></p>





<P><em>Other offers of help and comments</em></p> <p><TEXTAREA name=Comments: rows=6 cols=80></TEXTAREA></p>

<P><input type="submit" value="Send details now"> 


I have not included all the other fields, only the Name and Comments fields as examples.  I suspect in the intervening years something has changed at PlusNet which no longer allows me to use this simple script.


Can anyone advise please ?


Resting Legend
Posts: 10,063
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: cgi form email script

Unfortunately for security reasons the FormMail script on Homepages was removed in September 2014 and will not be reinstated. See the long topic cgi form email script not working for background and from message #34 on Page 3 mention of potential options to replace it.

Do you have access to webspace on the CGI platform?

Posts: 1,304
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Registered: ‎07-09-2007

Re: cgi form email script

Thanks for the straight answer.  I have read the thread but it does not help my simple situation.  Frankly, I am too old to start learning new tricks !  I cannot justify subscribing to a hosting package and it leaves me high and dry for this current project.

Can anyone suggest any alternative way of achieving the same result - in other words, enabling people on a website to offer to help with a variety of activities ?



Resting Legend
Posts: 10,063
Thanks: 674
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: cgi form email script

If you are prepared to accept some advertising you could try one of the free form processing providers mentioned in message #47 in that thread. Note the caveat in the post that Plusnet can't vouch for the validity/performance/security of any of them. Since I haven't used any of them that also applies to me.

Alternatively would providing a slightly disguised email contact address on the site using the style tom616 (at) meet your needs?
