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No proper phone and fibre internet for nearly a week

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎03-04-2016

No proper phone and fibre internet for nearly a week

Problems started on Monday 28th when we noticed that the internet cut out over night and the phone line was so crackly it was unsuable. By the end of the day we had no phone and no internet.
Reported the problem straight away, an "external disconnect" was found by the support engineer and I was given an estimated response time of 31st.
That time came and went so I contacted support again only to be told that no fault could be found. The support team tried to phone me but I didn't answer for some strange reason and they left a message which I can't listen to because the phone line isn't working properly.
Common sense would tell you not to try and phone someone who has a faulty phone line.
So now they are saying I need an engineer around. I'm very disappointed with PlusNet's service, after many many loyal years and many thousands of pounds this is the level of service you get?
Needless to say, when I move house this year (or even if it falls through) I'll not be staying with PlusNet.
I've not had reason to contact their support team much over the years but when I do I'm always disappointed. The last time I remember, I upgraded my account with them and lost internet on the day of the new subscription because someone hadn't done their job properly. If I hadn't called them before the day was over I'd have to wait another month on the old subscription because they can only make changes at the end of each month, which I find totally stupid, though that was a while ago and it might not be like that any more.
Occasionally the DSL box will establish a connection but I'm currently getting 3 megabits (yes, bits) upload and 3 download. I'm paying for 76 for goodness sake (as this was the only way to get unlimited at the time) but only ever get 38 (if it was working properly). If only I could get the money back on that one.