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Leaving Plusnet

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎16-04-2016

Leaving Plusnet

Anyone got any experience of how plusnet react when you tell them you are leaving

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Re: Leaving Plusnet

Depends why you want to tell them

If you want a better deal then phoning Customer Options selecting "I am thinking of leaving" is the way to go

If you just want to leave and move to another provider using the migration process then you don't tell them but let the gaining provider do everything

Posts: 15
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Registered: ‎16-04-2016

Re: Leaving Plusnet

Asia happens, I called Plusnet Customer Service yesterday and I chose the 'I'm thinking of leaving' option. The ensuing 30 minute conversation was very polite but I got the impression that Customer Service couldn't really care less. They did offer a 'goodwill' credit of £17 for the poor service but, beyond that, they weren't really interested.

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Re: Leaving Plusnet

I think their CS has really went downhill as if they don,t really care if you leave with all their new signups.Grin

My contract ends next month,but i don,t see the point in calling them.Smiley
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎16-04-2016

Re: Leaving Plusnet

Thanks.After reading replies, looks like I will be moving. The slogan should be DO YOU not do you proud.
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Re: Leaving Plusnet

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Registered: ‎26-09-2015

Re: Leaving Plusnet

Anyone got any experience of how plusnet react when you tell them you are leaving

When I was chewing them out about their inability to progress my fault, I found the complaints team quite readily agreed that I could leave without penalty. That didn't stop them firing off an email saying they were going charge me for leaving within contract, and no reply from them when I disputed that.    Just to be on the safe side I cancelled the Direct Debit.
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Re: Leaving Plusnet

As already said it depends on why you want to leave.  If you have had a problem with your line from master socket to the exchange then PN are very much in the hands of BT who have set times for dealing with faults and agreed with Ofcom.

You also have to give PN a chance to deal with your problem/fault  otherwise you may be charged for leaving.

I had an on going problem for 18 months due to 3rd pary interference. Due to the Ofcom agreed procedures for dealing with this there was little PN or even BT could do to assist. I did notice that during this period BT became less helpful, changed what they would do and seemed to pass the responsibility back to PN  who without engineers on the ground could do little but tweak a few things on system.  Unfortunately changing supplier olther than to Virgin Cable would have made no difference.

My contract ran out during the period and I sussed out a supplier that would provide adsl free for 18 months  and I just rang PN contracts and they said straight away they would match it and PNs phone line charge was less.

The underlining problem of course remained and as a last ditch attempt I asked PN if they would give a free trial on fibre to see if that would get round the interference.  Initially they said no but as soon as I found  another supplier giving 12 months free fibre and  6 months paying they agreed to switch me to that and confirmed that if it did not work they would switch me back to adsl with NO penalty. I would say that was pretty good service.

It is best to check if there are any penalties in leaving  and follow the procedures as if you end up with a ceased line it can take weeks to get it back and additional costs may be incurred. Also if on fibre try and get your new provider to confirm that there IS a connection available. It is not enough to know that fibre is available to your cabinet you need to be certain that there is a line Even if you have one and change supplier there doesnt seem to be a guarantee that you can retain the line you had.

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎29-04-2016

Re: Leaving Plusnet

In my experience they dont do anything to retain your custom, they just turn slightly antagonistic towards you and let you go - not like when you first sign up they are very helpful then! They are more concerned about squeezing every last penny out of you before you leave and then some. I cancelled my DD when I knew I was leaving and they charged me an extra £1.50 to pay by card for a month in advance, they are supposed to be refunding me when I leave but no doubt I will have a battle on my hands then. Look after your loyal customers Plusnet, dont antagonise us and force us to seek better deals elsewhere.

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Re: Leaving Plusnet

The fact that you were charged the non direct debit surcharge for a valid bill is entirely your own fault for cancelling the direct debit.

Standard practice is for the part of the month charges after you actually leave to be refunded via the direct debit system

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Leaving Plusnet

Hi @gilltess,

I'll give the call a listen to, and then feed back. We certainly aren't intending on forcing you to seek better deals elsewhere. The £1.50 surcharge was always process for when taking card payment (other than initial fees), but I'm glad to hear that we're looking to refund it nonetheless.


ex-Plusnet staffer. Any posts after 28/07/2017 aren't on behalf of Plusnet
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎29-04-2016

Re: Leaving Plusnet

I find the first response to my comment quite rude and aggressive. I cancelled my DD before being made aware that I should not have done, and on realising my mistake I made a card payment straight away. Can you explain exactly what the £1.50 is for? Let me guess, administrative/processing charges, a term which means basically, we are going to extract as much money from you as possible before letting you go.

I have had no quarrel with Plusnet during my contract, as usual, it is when one tries to leave that things turn somewhat sour. Why take a whole months payment upfront and then refund, rather than just charge for the time left on the contract? It seems a back to front way of doing things, and leaves it up to the customer to try and get back any money owing to them. 

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Leaving Plusnet

The £1.50 charge has been discussed quite in-depth over the years. One of the threads:


Just a heads up that you've paid up from April 20th to May 19th. We expect your services to be migrating on the 3rd, so expect around 16 days refund. We always take payment in advance, rather than in arrears (pretty sure most providers do too). It's simple to keep that consistent, even if it's likely to be your final bill.

ex-Plusnet staffer. Any posts after 28/07/2017 aren't on behalf of Plusnet
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Re: Leaving Plusnet

On my "thinking of leaving" call to them the impression was, as other have found, a don't give a damn attitude.

I didn't feel the love.


Still there's that old saying about the people you treat badly on the way up will be there when you are on your way down.


Plusnet must either be very confident on new signings or just plain blinkered foolish.


I know which one I think they are.

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Re: Leaving Plusnet

@gilltess wrote:


Can you explain exactly what the £1.50 is for? Let me guess, administrative/processing charges, a term which means basically, we are going to extract as much money from you as possible before letting you go.

Why take a whole months payment upfront and then refund, rather than just charge for the time left on the contract? It seems a back to front way of doing things, and leaves it up to the customer to try and get back any money owing to them. 

There are additional costs attached to processing card payments, to say nothing of the stiff fees charged by card payment processing companies.  Where the price of services have been cut to the bone, there's no room for absorbing card payment processing costs.  Such costs are made up of the per transaction charge and the substantial additional IT and business process costs associated with PCI-DSS compliance and audit.

As for billing forward and then refunding at the end of contract, there are two approaches here, one is PlusNet's - they take note if your intention to leave, but still bill (in advance) to provide a continuance of service until your new provider takes over.  Alternatively they could do the very unhelpful thing other providers do, that is accept your end date as something cast in concert, bill to the termination date and then CUT OFF THE SERVICE.  If a supplier sets a final bill / date they place a service cease order on the line and then no other supplier can place an order on the line until the cease has been activated.

It is due to such practices that one reads of so many instances around here of transfer-in issues.  Users complain of breaks in service, delayed connections and sometimes lost numbers.  All of that arises from other suppliers performing final billing prior to transfer of service.  

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