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IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

You should use both incoming and out going servers if the company providing the email service. Outgoing should be authenticated - usually the same account details as the incoming server.

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Posts: 57
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Registered: ‎27-05-2018

Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

So what happens now. Router left off overnight but no change
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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

There is some possibility that this is not a geo-location issue.  Using and a 'test' IP of ALL of the checked sites report this ISP address as being in the UK.

Previously with such issues, the geolocation data providers were ambiguous about the location.

@bobpullen, can you shine any light here please?

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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

@WhatsWrongNow, when you say 'TV' directing to US sites, what exactly do you mean? What devices are you using and what services are you trying to access?
Regarding the mail issue, the question of why emails are being spammed is one for your mail provider really, as I understand you're sending via a third party SMTP server? I may be able to offer some pointers but I'd need to see the full source/headers of a received message that got junked (if you can get hold of an example, don't post it in public, send it to me privately).

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

Apologies there was some missing punctuation. We had a Kodi type box and set it up the first time with no issues. It wasn’t used to access sites that are always on the move but things like on demand uk channels as st the time we had no access in that room to an aerial etc. After a few days nothing worked and we got messages to say that we could not use outside of the uk. So set it up again, it worked a couple of days then messages about accessing external to states not permitted and so we would go backwards and forwards until we gave up
Internet wise we end up on USA versions for the big companies and my accounts such as google etc have started to default to stateside if I’m not careful.
I’m not sure if it’s a weird coincidence but I had a run recently of calling Microsoft freephone for uk and whoever I got through to kept telling me I had to call home country and kept giving me the number to call which WAS the number I was using.
Email wise I’ll leave for now as my provider has done some tweaks but if it starts again I’ll gladly harvest you some headers
Thanks in advance
Community Gaffer
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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

Are you still having problems with the Kodi box etc. or are you using something else now? If you're still having problems with specific services, e.g. iPlayer, NOW TV, Netflix etc. then let us know which and we can look into it.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

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Registered: ‎27-05-2018

Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

I think that I just see it all as a common denominator in various issues.
To be honest I’m not sure where to start or what to post. Connection is extremely slow and devices drop off on a regular basis. If you choose our connection to get back online you get a password error and after a few minutes something decides password is fine.
I’ve contacted a few helpdesks with various app and software issues and they all eventually end up blaming the connection and the fact that 2 hops after my hub can’t be pinged.
Whilst I realise this is a bit confused I’m just trying to give you a snapshot of everything wondering whether to start a new thread starting from the point where everything is grinding to a halt
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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

None of those issues sound like an ARIN registered IP address issue.

A separate topic might be helpful. The needing a password natter needs clarification - WiFi or router. Cover those details in the new topic please.

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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

There was a recent spam post (now removed) to a web page to check your IP. In the past I've usually used - but that site doesn't work for modern IP addresses; it only works for legacy IP addresses as provided by Plusnet.

I've just found which reports both your legacy IPv4 and your IPv6 address so I think it probably also works for people using IPv6 tunnels. It also has a load of other utilities.

jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

I had problems with car hire on (part of and referred from

The prices showed in GBP because that's what I selected, but my bill was in USD. The deal for a US purchaser differs significantly to that for a UK purchaser - I was told they usually have collision damage waiver excess cover on their credit cards so they don't have an excess on their rental booking. For a UK booking the excess is of the order of EUR1400.


When I queried the USD charge (to cut a long story short) I was told that I could have problems when collecting the car as the rental company might expect a US citizen with a US licence. They weren't sure but the possibility of hassle collecting your holiday rental was real and they insisted on cancelling the rental. I then faced a collision damage excess and the possibility of a location surcharge (some ridiculous local charge for having an office in that location), neither of which applied to the US booking.


Actually were pretty useless and I cannot recommend them.

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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

@reiverh ooh.  Do you have the date and rough time of when you placed the order?

Kelly Dorset
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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

Not exactly a massive issue, but i've a couple of sites geolocating me as USA. allows me to use the UK site, but keeps asking me to go to Next USA, whilst Laura Ashley's website lands on the UK homepage but when I click any links it goes to the USA website which I can't use - so I have to look at this site using a VPN or a phone which is a pain.


Is there any way round this? If I get a static IP, will that be in the original UK IP block?

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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here


A warm welcome to the forums.

Short answers - a fixed IP address will be from an original UK block, however there is a limited supply of them and unless you REALLY need one, is not an ideal solution here.

What are the first 3 octets of your current dynamic address please?

With that information, if necessary, Plusnet can yet again ask the Geolocation data suppliers to get their act together.

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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here


Hi @Steeler57


Thanks for getting in touch.


Sorry that this is flagging as a USA IP. To confirm, the IP you've been issued is a UK based IP but as you've suggested, is flagging incorrectly as USA for some sites.


I've raised this to our network team to resolve and will provide an update as soon as it comes in.


Thanks for your patience whilst we get this sorted.



Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

Hi @Steeler57,

I have contacted both Next and Laura Ashley regarding the Geo Location issues you have been having. I am now awaiting a response from them.

Thank you for your patience

