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Chat service availability [Discussion - Locked]

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Chat service availability [Discussion - Locked]

Well done the SU. Brownie points allocated:)

What I do not understand is how the situation could happen. In the past, Plusnet have refused point blank to rapidly make minor typographical corrections to a clearly wrong web page because "the release schedule is rigidly controlled to allow full and proper testing of every change made". How do they make a major change (introducing chat!) without testing that the routes to access it work?

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Changed thread title slightly after split.

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Re: Chat service availability

Was this issue identified solely by the SU group?

jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
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Re: Chat service availability

Plusnet have a resolution to this planned for release later in the year. ?

they had a planned new billing system 8 years ago ! we still waiting

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Re: Chat service availability

@EnglishMohican wrote:

How do they make a major change (introducing chat!) without testing that the routes to access it work?

There is a difference between routes not working and routes not being open ... which is where I'd prefer to leave the explanation!!  What seems to have transpired is that someone forgot that one route to chat was closed when the statement that "unavailable" should not be a status seen by residential users.

Frankly from a personal perspective I am gob-smacked to learn that the route to the service dictates service availability.  For the moment, the apparent service availability issue has been clarified and resolutions are in the pipe-line, which as you've indicated ... need to got through the full release process ... no matter how trivial anyone change might appear to be.  In the meantime, Chat is accessible via "Contact Us".


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Re: Chat service availability

Hi @jelv,

"identified solely by the SU group..." is I think difficult to answer with complete confidence.

Somewhere along the line, one of us reviewing the issues, confirmed that the "Unavailable" status was being seen by residential users.  Only out of the SUs kicking the issue around, did it become apparent that users saw a different status for the service at the same time ... eventually identified to be depending on the access route.  I had already exposed the same in respect of business and residential user experiences.

If Plusnet say "it works like this" and users say "it actually works like that" then the SUs have been pretty active in seeking to dig deeper and better profile the issues, rather than accept a "what issue?" status.  The "residential users should never see UNAVAILABLE" claim has been roundly challenged a couple of times and some odd ball conditions were 'exposed' - for example, for a while, I personally could not access the chat service at all.

The "this needs to be looked at again" position is driving change, albeit in in small steps at a time.

I ask forum members to please not divert this topic in to matters not related to the topic title - that is Chat's availability status being apparently inconsistent.

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Re: Chat service availability


Thanks - you've pretty much confirmed what I suspected. Plusnet not taking complaints seriously enough and blaming things like pop up and advert blockers and not allocating someone to follow through and get to the bottom of what was happening - instead the SUs do what they should have done. Well done to the SUs.

At least visitors to the forums experiencing the issue will be quickly told to go to and initiate chat from there - but no help to users that don't use the forums!

jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
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Re: Chat service availability

For the avoidance of doubt, advert and pop up blockers have / do contribute to the problem.

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Re: Chat service availability

For the avoidance of confusion.... how about identifying the "evil" popups , and adblockers... and a way to de-activate them, for the less computer savvy customers.


It`s all very well for you lot, who know about these things, and how to deal with them, and give out a statement as  @Townman has done, but that does not help those without the knowledge, who are frustrated in the situation of not being able to access "live chat".. because of these ad blockers/popups... whatever.

The statement, is as much use as a bus route, that has been discontinued, but the bus stops remain in place...

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Re: Chat service availability

This is under discussion, however there are many resources out there already.  Anything provided here needs to be explicitly relevant to this problem, such as a list of resources to whitelist.  Your request had not been ignored, but until I have been waiting for a response before replying here - or there!

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Re: Chat service availability

@Townman Thank you for the cryptic response...  which is not really the kind of answer one would expect.


Using the bus service and bus stop situation as an analogy...  Your response..



                                  there are many resources out there already. 

is a bit like saying.... wait at the bus stop until a taxi comes along. or someone offers you a lift...

in other words... no help whatsoever. to point to "other resources out there"... unless you give pointers to what those resources are, and how to access them.


Sorry if you think I am being "picky" about this....but perhaps you  ( the SU group ) should be more careful in the wording of responses. 

  I appreciate the fact that you say



This is under discussion,.....................  Your request had not been ignored,


Maybe that would have been enough, with a possible suggestion that a more useful response would be forthcoming next week..


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Re: Chat service availability

@shutter, from my understanding of it, before anyone could give you a pointer to that, they'd need to know what ad blocker, which browser and which version of both of those.

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Re: Chat service availability

@pjmarsh From what I can recall, when I had the problem, of not being able to connect to Live Chat,  due to the adblocker, nobody asked me those questions, but suggested that Ghostery may be holding a couple, namely Google Adsense, and Live Person.... which, after doing some "fiddling about".. I managed to disable, and subsequently have been able to access Live Chat..


Now. if you think about it... there can`t be "that" many adblockers, available... and I am sure it would not be difficult to list them, and also for the necessary techy guys to suggest which other apps MAY be blocking access to Live Chat.. as a guide to the non techy users, so that they can check and adjust their own and disable them accordingly.


I don`t think the browser has anything to do with the blocking... apart from hosting the adblocker app itself, as I have used several different browsers since finding this info, and each one has worked the same.


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Re: Chat service availability

@shutter, from a quick google, I've just counted 10 different ad blockers and Ghostery wasn't one of them.  I think I could have probably found quite a few more as well if I'd have wanted to.  

Please note, I'm not saying that Plusnet can't or shouldn't do something around this.  This is merely about your response that Townman should have given you a possible suggestion as a more helpful response.   My point is that with a bit more info someone could give you more details about how to with your particular setup.  Re-reading your post though I may have misunderstood your suggestion anyway, so sorry for that if I did.

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Re: Chat service availability

I think the point I am trying to make is ... that not everyone knows what an adblocker is,  ( which is a "generic" term for a type of application)... whereas, if you listed those 10 (specific named varieties). you have found, and the "usual suspects" of the one`s that are causing the trouble,  with a mention to "disable the following" I think that would be better information to the non geeky/non techy ( I know how to switch my laptop on and get emails and search on google for ebay items ). type of users. rather than " there are resources out there"..  type of responses.


The 10 specific named varieties would probably be the most popular, and easily recognisable to many users.


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Re: Chat service availability

As I feared this topic has been hijacked with meaningless analogies. It has been pointed out that blockers pose a problem. If they get in the way and you don’t know how to configure them correctly ... then don’t use them.

There are dozens of things in use out there which interfer with the normal functionality of many things, not just Plusnet chat. Plusnet have been asked about what advice might be offered ... without creating the burden of reproducing all that is already in the public domain and then having to maintain it.

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