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Welcome to the Blueprint

Welcome to the Blueprint

Welcome to the Blueprint

Welcome to The Blueprint, where you’ll find everything you need to get to grips with adapting your small business for the online world and the tips and tricks needed to help it grow. As a business with humble Yorkshire roots, Plusnet has always supported small businesses by helping them get online and stay connected, and more recently unlocking the value of the digital pound to help grow their business.

As we know, the world of online and social media is everywhere in our day-to-day lives, and becoming an integral part of running a business. But what about businesses who aren’t already embracing social media? We have uncovered the true value of this “millennial market” for small businesses who aren’t online or on social media. Offline businesses missing out on over £7k annually! We also found that 55% of people aged 23 – 38 only search for businesses through social media, so the power of an online profile has really never been more important. 

To show the power of social media in real life, we paired Nicki Bamford-Bowes, interior designer and blogger of And Then They Went Wild, with Edwin Veru Gaitan, of Jose Construction, to help him develop an online and social profile to reach more customers and attract new business. Together, Nicki and Edwin captured a recent renovation project, including before and after imagery – creating beautiful pictures perfect for Instagram.

Since we can’t give every small business their own Instagram influencer, we’ve worked with small business experts, Enterprise Nation, to develop The Blueprint – an easy guide to creating an effective social media strategy and help your business thrive in the social media age. Alongside the Blueprint there are some brilliant blogs, where you can hear from industry experts on how to grow your business through social media, and examples of small businesses who have made a success of social media. 

We hope this guide helps you as you begin your online and social media journey. Download The Blueprint below.




Nick Silverwood, Plusnet Head of Business


See more Blueprint guides to social media here: