Hello there, It's been a while since we've been in touch about the latest developments at Plusnet, so we thought it was time for a quick round-up of our news. As you see, it's awards season again so we are likely to have a busy few months. We're also campaigning to get the mobile termination rates reduced- so that your bill can go down even further. Enjoy reading - and remember that there's more community news over at our community site. |
At the end of April uSwitch published their annual Broadband Customer Satisfaction Survey, where we were placed joint 1st for Technical Support, as well as featuring in the top three in seven other categories and even improving on our scores from 2009 in some cases. We were quite chuffed to get another endorsement of our award-winning service, so thanks to all those who took part in the survey.
We're really pleased to announce we will be sponsoring the ‘Digital Inclusion' award at this year's ISPAs. This award, run in partnership with Race Online 2012, will recognise the person, company or project that's done the most to help the millions of people who aren't online in the UK. You can find out more about the award in our blog.
We're also up for an ISPA award ourselves, for ‘Best Consumer Customer Service'. In case you haven't heard of ISPA before, it's the Internet Service Providers' Association, and they're the industry body representing ISPs.
Our ‘My Referrals' program can help you save money every month – in fact, we've already paid out over £2million to our customers who've recommended Plusnet to their friends and family.
It's easy to get your share of the next £2million – just give your Plusnet username to anyone you think would benefit from our award-winning broadband and make sure they enter it during registration. If you'd like any more handy tips on how to refer, have a read of our ‘My Referrals' page.
As well as great value broadband, we offer a Home Phone service that's packed with lots of useful features. Both our talk plans offer inclusive calls to 0845 and 0870 numbers, as well as to normal UK landlines1 (on our Talk Evenings and Weekends package, off-peak times are 6pm-6am, and during weekends). Plus you get 300 minutes of calls to our top 20 international destinations each month, and you can even get free voicemail2.
If you're not already enjoying one of our Home Phone talk plans you can get full details on all the features here.
Our Home Phone service offers great value, but we're always looking for ways to help you save more. We all know that calls to mobiles are expensive, and whilst we offer 25% off our mobile call rates with our Anytime talk plan, we really want to offer more. Thing is, there's one big issue in the way. That's mobile termination rates. It sounds complicated, but it's just the price we pay to the mobile operators for connecting a call to their network – typically it's about 4p per minute, but it can be as a high as 80% of the pence per minute rate, so it can make up the biggest part of a call to a mobile number. By comparison, we typically get 0.3p per minute for a mobile operator connecting to our network.
We're keen to get termination rates reduced, so we've joined the ‘Terminate the Rate' campaign to try and get these fees down as soon as possible. Find out more by reading our blog.
The Discussion Forums on the Community Site are the ideal place to ask for advice before contacting the support team by raising a question or calling in. Whatever your question you can be sure another customer has either seen it before or can point you in the right direction.
If not, our staff will be there to give a helping hand. Of course, you can always just have a friendly chat with other customers.
If you've never used the Discussion Forums before, you'll need to register a new username and password, which is really easy to do and takes just a minute or two. Follow the steps here to register.
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You've received this email because you're a Plusnet customer. If you don't want to receive emails like this from us, please click here: preferences. Please note that by changing your preferences, you won't receive promotional emails from Plusnet, including free gifts, competitions and information about new services. Please don't reply to this email as this is an unmonitored address.
1Evening and weekends product included calls are to standard UK landline numbers beginning with 01, 02, 03, 0845 and 0870. Evenings are from 18:00-06:00 Mon-Fri. Weekends are 00:00 Sat - 00:00 Mon. All calls outside of your inclusive minutes are subject to minimum charges. All inclusive calls have a maximum free call length of 60 minutes for 01, 02, 03, 0845, 0870 and Plusnet Home Phone customers. After this they will be charged at the standard prevailing rate. Redial to avoid charges. Calls to indirect access numbers and dial-up internet access are excluded. Please check the Home Phone FAQs for more details about Home Phone call charges.
2300 minute monthly allowance to 20 top international destinations can only be used during inclusive talk time. International calls outside of inclusive period will be charged at the standard prevailing rate. All inclusive calls have a maximum free call length of 30 minutes for international numbers. Redial to avoid charges.
Plusnet plc Registered Office: Internet House, 2 Tenter Street, Sheffield, S1 4BY Registered in England no: 3279013 |