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ADSL2+ and Annex M come to Plusnet Business

ADSL2+ and Annex M come to Plusnet Business

ADSL2+ and Annex M come to Plusnet Business

From 19th April onwards, customers signing up to Plusnet Business broadband will now be able to access the up to 20Mb broadband service. Our signup pages will change on that date to accommodate the up to 20Mb service and, where customers are in an ADSL2+ enabled area and will clearly benefit from this service rather than the current 20CN network, they will be provided on ADSL2+ for no additional cost. Aligned to our products, Business Broadband Options 1, 2 and 3, we are also able to provide 3 additional services: Enhanced Care, Prioritised Service and, new to Plusnet, Annex M. Enhanced Care will be unchanged, with further details available here: Prioritised Service replaces our current Max Premium service, described here: This will retain the higher priority over the BT Wholesale network, and for customers on the 20CN network will increase the upstream from up to 448kbps to up to 832kbps (note: customers on ADSL2+ will have access to up to 1Mb upstream as standard on any current Business product). This service is included within Business Option 3 as standard and is available on the other options at £7 ex VAT per month Annex M is a new service which can allow users on ADSL2+ (in Annex M enabled exchanges) to potentially receive up to 2.5Mbps upstream by sacrificing a small amount of their available downstream bandwidth – ideal where upstream is absolutely key to your business. An FAQ will be published with the launch, but for information the service will cost an additional £10 ex VAT per month. The Business upgrade to ADSL2+ has been part of a wider upgrade roll-out across the entire Plusnet network.  The phased roll-out has been specifically designed to ensure Plusnet can support customers efficiently as the changes affect their service. Regular viewers of our blogs will have seen the recent post regarding plans to have 60% of the Plusnet userbase on the up to 20Mb service by the end of this year - We can confirm that this will include Plusnet Business customers. Again, a phased approach will be taken to ensure that we strike the right balance on our network, but we’re keen to move as many connections as possible. Customers who can access the ADSL2+ service will receive communications from us via email in the coming weeks as we finalise our migration plans. Please rest assured we will be in direct contact with you prior to upgrading your service but should you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact our support team via the Help Assistant, or by calling 0114 296 5182.

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